Head Lice Tips
Sectioning the Hair and Picking Out the Lice Works to Eliminate Lice...if You are Thorough!

LiceDoctors technician, Valentina, did not realize that her experience helping her mom check and treat Valentina’s 11 siblings would prepare Valentina for her career as a lice professional!
Wellington and Lake Worth School Head Lice Policies

Schools in the Palm Beach County School District including those in Wellington and Lake Worth stick to a “No Nit” policy.
Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter School Head Lice Policies

Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter are both within the Palm Beach County School District and, therefore, take their cue from the district wide “no nit” policy regarding head lice.
So Many Costs of Do-It-Yourself Lice Treatments

At first, do-it-yourself lice treatment may seem like the most economical route. The problem is though, they often fail.
Wait... What?? You Pick Head Lice???

You might think treating head lice is a gruesome task, but for those who work in the trenches of the lice removal business it can be a rewarding and even satisfying occupation.
Boca Raton School Head Lice Policy

Palm Beach County Schools continue to enforce strict “no nit” policies for students found to have lice.
Escondido School Head Lice Policy

Schools in the Escondido area do not adhere to a strict “no nit” policy, which means students without live bugs are allowed to remain in the classroom.
Mom! Help! We Have Head Lice!

"Mom, you've got to help me!" "Your granddaughter has lice again! Why can't I get rid of this once and for all? This is so frustrating!"
Encinitas and Carlsbad School Head Lice Policies

Schools in the area of Encinitas and Carlsbad do not hold to a strict “no nit” policy when it comes to head lice. They will allow students with nits or eggs only to return to the classroom once they have been checked by the school nurse
Chula Vista School Head Lice Policy
Schools in the Chula Vista area have head lice policies that are in alignment with current recommendations from the CDC and National Association of School Nurses.