Individual schools can set their own policy for how to manage head lice, so it is always a good idea to check with the nurse’s office at your child’s school.
Dunwoody Schools
This district has a more lenient school lice policy than that practiced by schools in Sandy Springs. Children with nits May remain in school. Below you will find the recommendations from the State of Georgia regarding how schools should handle cases of head lice.
When a member of school staff suspects a child is infested with head lice, the following procedures should be followed:
- The child should be restricted from activities involving close contact (i.e., hugging) or sharing personal items (i.e., hats, clothing, and brushes) with other children.
- The school/facility must be notified, and the parents must be contacted (verbal communication is preferred). Immediate removal of the child is unnecessary. If the child has lice, they probably have been infested for weeks and prompt removal of the child could lead to embarrassment and ridicule. The child can be sent home at the end of the day. Children should be allowed to ride the school bus home. Transmission via school bus seats is not likely because of the biology of head lice.
- A letter should be sent home notifying classmates’ parents that a case of head lice is suspected and asking them to check all of their children for head lice. The school should also provide parents with a copy of an information sheet on head lice infestation and treatment options.
Source: Georgia Department of Public Health Head Lice Manual
Sandy Springs Schools
Schools in Sandy Springs are in the Fulton County School District and do adhere to a “no nit” policy in opposition to the Georgia State Health recommendations.
If you suspect your child has head lice, please contact or see a health provider and notify the school’s health clinic. It is important to continuously examine your child’s hair every day for at least two weeks because nits can live up to two weeks. Head lice can easily be confused with other health conditions and a formal diagnosis is preferred before treatment is administered. If the school suspects your child has head lice, you will be notified and will be asked to seek treatment for your student before he/she can return to school.
Please know the schools will also implement measures to minimize and prevent outbreaks. However, appropriate strategies will be implemented consistent with the best way to eradicate the problem.
We hope this information is helpful in keeping your child free of this problem. Additional resources are available at: or
Source: Fulton Schools General Information about Lice
LiceDoctors is the best option for quickly and confidently eradicating head lice from your child. Call 404-618-0472 today and we’ll dispatch a head lice expert to take care of your head lice problem at your convenience.