Billing Question
Please be assured that your technician worked hard to remove the nits but it is normal to find a few nits (eggs) following your treatment. That is NOT a problem. You will be doing the aftercare plan which ensures that those nits will be gone because:
You need help understanding your bill
You are billed by the hour. There is an authorization charge to hold your place. If your tech is there for less time than is authorized, that charge will drop off. Please give it a few days and that charge will disappear.
You need an itemized receipt
Email [email protected] with your name and date of service, and we will email the receipt to you within one business day.
Document Request
Note for work, school, or camp
Email [email protected] with your name, the date of service, and the names that you need on the note; we will send that within one business day.
Itemized Receipt
Email [email protected] with your name, the date of service, and the names that you need on the note; we will send that within one business day.
Follow Up Plan
Email [email protected] and we will send you a form to fill out your name and date of service and a form will be emailed within one business day.
Service Follow Up (please see below for Nits vs. Dandruff pictures)
Issues with adhering to the follow-up treatment plan
Please note that we record calls and that each client is advised about our follow-up plan. It takes care of any nits that were microscopic on the day of treatment (just laid) and removes the need to clean the home and do loads of laundry.
You still see some nits in the hair.
This is normal especially in severe cases or when there are a lot of recently laid (very tiny) nits. Nits are NOT contagious. Simply follow the follow-up plan and they will disappear. Remember we have a 99.6% success rate and the only times the treatment does not work is if a client does not do the follow-up plan.
You found a bug in the hair.
This is very rare. Simply drench the hair with olive oil and the bug(s) will die. Make sure that all of the hair is drenched.
You are still concerned about what you are pulling out of the hair.
Check the pictures below and if you still have questions, email pictures of what you are seeing to [email protected] with your name and date of service. We will review the pictures and get back to you within one business day. Please give the follow-up plan a few days to work!
Other Follow Up Questions
Email us [email protected] with general questions and we will respond within one business day.
You need a lice comb or preventative products.
Visit our online store at
What to expect following treatment
Please be assured that your technician worked hard to remove the nits but it is normal to find a few nits (eggs) following your treatment. That is NOT a problem. You will be doing the aftercare plan which ensures that those nits will be gone because:
- You will either comb out the nits as they get larger OR
- If the comb misses them, the olive oil will suffocate the baby bugs when the nits hatch
- On the off chance that you see a live bug after treatment, apply a heavy amount of olive oil that night. Make sure all strands are saturated.
- We guarantee this plan works but you must give the plan time to work. It is 100% effective.
Nits vs DEC Plugs vs Debris vs Dandruff—what you are seeing
Clients occasionally see things in the hair and get needlessly concerned.
- Nits are translucent or whitish in the hair. If you wish to ascertain whether you are looking at a nit, pull one out and place it against a white background. Nits will be brown, sesame seed sized, and oval with a pointy front from which an antenna protrudes. They stick to the hair. The follow-up plan will get rid of these.
- DEC Plugs are also sticky. They are harmless secretions from oil glands. They look white in the hair and when you pull them out and place them against a white background, they blend in. It is easy to confuse DEC plugs for nits. Remember if it is white in the hair and white against a white background, it is a DEC plug NOT a nit.
- Debris is just harmless particles of dirt that we find. They are not sticky and are usually dark, small, irregular-shaped specks when placed on a white background.
- Dandruff flakes are dry, flat, white, and easily come off the strands. When placed against a white background, they blend in.
This is a picture of nits in the hair. Notice the shape and the antenna.

The nits off the head.
The nits still attached to the hair.
DEC Plugs. Notice the shape - no pointy front with antenna. Place against a white background.
Also DEC Plugs.
DEC Plugs on a comb.