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Lorain and Elyria School Head Lice Policies

Lorain and Elyria School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
October 22, 2019
Updated on 
July 23, 2020

Schools in Lorain hold to a strict “no nit” policy, meaning that children are not allowed to return to the classroom until they are confirmed to have no more nits or eggs.  Schools in Elyria only restrict attendance when an active infestation of live lice is present. As always, check with your child’s school for their particular recommendations.




“The Ohio Department of Health and the Lorain City Health Department are aware of the special problems associated with institutional control of head lice. It is in cooperation with these departments that the Board implements a specific policy on management of head lice. The Board believes that the development, dissemination, and implementation of a specific policy and procedures are necessary in preventing epidemics and minimizing resentment and confusion that often accompanies this problem.

Identification and dismissal:

Children identified with head lice infestation will be excluded. Children that cannot be sent home due to unavailability of the parents will remain in school for the remainder of the day with restrictions on activities that require close personal contact. Information on the correct follow up procedures will be provided for each parent/guardian.


  1. A child may be readmitted to school after initial treatment and a form (M10) signed by a school nurse/health aide indicating that the child is nit free.
  2. A child who was excluded for lice infestation will be re-checked by the school nurse two (2) weeks after returning to school. If nits are found, identification and dismissal procedures will be re-instituted.

Parents are encouraged to inform the school if their child has recently been identified or treated for head lice. This enables the school to screen siblings, the child's contacts, and other classmates. The school nurse will approve the child for readmission when he/she is deemed to be nit free.

Prevention and Education:

The school nurse will conduct preventive education and classroom management of lice as necessary. This will include transmission, life span of the louse, and necessary host. The school principal and the school nurse will distribute letters and other educational materials to students and parents. In case of a pediculosis epidemic, the Executive Director of Student Services and/or designee makes the necessary contact with the City and State Health Departments as well as the media.”

Source: Loraine City Schools Health Services


Pediculosis (Head Lice)

“The District endeavors to protect the health of all students in the District, while maintaining confidentiality whenever possible in health-related matters. As part of this commitment, the following procedures will be instituted in dealing with the problem of head lice.

General Examinations

  1. Students found to have head lice will be removed sensitively from the class. The child's parent(s)/guardian(s) will then be informed of the problem and school personnel will provide their parent(s)/guardian(s) with information on the proper procedures to follow to treat the condition.
  2. The student(s) will not be permitted to return to class until the head lice are gone and this has been verified by trained school personnel through a follow-up examination.
  3. Siblings of the student who may or may not be attending other schools in the District will be checked by trained school personnel, as well as those students identified as having been in direct contact with the student.

Notification Procedures

  1. The parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student found to have head lice will be contacted by the school.
  2. Information letters will be sent home to all parents/guardian(s) informing them of various health matters and proper prevention procedures to follow. This will be done at least twice during the year.
  3. Parents will be informed when an outbreak (three or more) occurs in their child's classroom so that observations and appropriate prevention measures can be instituted.”

Source: Elyria School Board Section J, File: JHCC-R

Whether or not your child’s school enforces a “no nit” policy, LiceDoctors is here 365 days and nights a year, day or night, to help you deal with head lice. We can remove the lice and nits so you can confidently send your child back to school. In addition we can provide you with an “All Clear” letter to present to the school administrators, assuring them that your child has been treated and is no longer contagious. Call 216-273-6802 today for fast effective treatment and even faster peace of mind.


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Lincoln Park Schools
Created on 
July 3, 2018
Updated on 
July 23, 2020

Lincoln Park Schools

Lincoln Park schools do not restrict a student's ability to attend school solely on the basis of head lice.

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Orange County School Lice Policy
Created on 
March 27, 2017
Updated on 
July 23, 2020

Orange County School Lice Policy

Irvine’s policy deviates substantially and is the strictest one we found. It reads as such: “Any student found to have head lice, detected by a live louse or lice eggs (nits),will be removed from the classroom and excluded from attendance.

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Portland, Oregon Area School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
March 27, 2017
Updated on 
July 23, 2020

Portland, Oregon Area School Head Lice Policies

There is great variation in school head lice policies across the country. One district may have a strict “no nit” policy while the neighboring town may have a far more lenient policy regarding readmission to school after a lice diagnosis.

Read more