Long Beach Public Schools
The Long Beach School District Lice Policy “mandates that a child that is found to have live lice will be dismissed from school. Once the child has been treated with the appropriate shampoo he/she should be rechecked by the school nurse upon return to school.” Children with nits will not be sent home.
Related information: lbsdk12.schoolwires.net
On the Long Beach Schools web site, it says: Be Proactive! Examine you child's head, especially behind the ears and at the nape of the neck, for crawling lice and nits if your child exhibits symptoms of a head lice infestation (excessive head scratching). If crawling lice or nits are found, all household members should be examined for crawling lice and nits every 2-3 days. Persons with live (crawling) lice or nits within 1/4 inch or less of the scalp should be treated.
If your child is sent home from school due to illness or is diagnosed with a contagious condition, please be sure to contact the Nurse, first, upon returning to class. A note stating the reason for any absence is required upon returning to school.”
http://www.lbeach.org/mobile/template.aspx folder=schools&file=west_nurse
Torrance Schools Lice Policy

The most updated head lice policy for the Torrance schools is outlined in this article from the Daily Breeze. “In keeping with the latest research on head lice, the Torrance school board has amended its policy on how to handle students whose heads of hair are found to be harboring colonies of the sesame-seed-size pests.
The new policy, approved by the board March 3, allows students with head lice to remain on campus for the rest of the day, rather than being sent home immediately.
Under the previous policy, such students were sent home right away, and could not return until the lice were eradicated. Although students with head lice will be allowed to stay the rest of the day of the discovery, after that day, those students will still be asked to stay home until they have fixed the problem, said Don Kim, senior director of elementary schools.
On its website, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises schools against sending students diagnosed with lice head lice home early from school.
“They can go home at the end of the day, be treated, and return to class after appropriate treatment has begun,” it says. “Head lice can be a nuisance but they have not been shown to spread disease. Personal hygiene or cleanliness in the home or school has nothing to do with getting head lice.”
Bellflower Schools
The head lice policy for the Bellflower school district is far more stringent than those of Long Beach or Torrance schools.
“Head lice are a serious concern in an elementary school. If a student is found to have head lice, he/she will be sent home immediately. The school will provide you with information on proper treatment and shampoo (for those with financial needs). Please follow the directions carefully as students are only allowed 3 days of excused absence for head lice. Students must be reexamined and checked back into school through district nurse.”
Manhattan Beach Schools

Manhattan Beach Schools revised their lice policy in November 2013 to make it more lenient as follows:
Background: The following policy is consistent with the Guidelines on Head Lice Prevention and Control for School Districts and Child Care Facilities issued by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) in March 2012. CDPH guidelines and a position statement by the California School Nurses Organization note that, although lice are a nuisance, they are not associated with the spread of disease and are not highly transferable in the school setting.
The CDPH publishes a brochure for parents/guardians, A Parent's Guide to Head Lice, which is available on the CDPH web site (see link below). As discussed in the brochure, the recommended treatment for head lice involves nit combing and use of an over-the-counter head lice shampoo. Prescription treatments are also available.
The CDPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics, and California School Nurses Organization all oppose "no-nit" policies (i.e., policies that require students to be free of nits before returning to school), citing lack of evidence that such policies prevent or shorten outbreaks and their belief that the benefits of school attendance outweigh the risks of head lice.
Key Changes: The updated policy reflects NEW STATE GUIDANCE from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) on head lice prevention and control in schools. In accordance with CDPH guidance, the policy (1) deletes routine screening by schools and the school’s responsibility to check siblings of infected students, (2) adds the provision of information to parents/guardians to encourage at-home screening and inspection, (3) allows students found with active head lice to stay in school until the end of the school day, and (4) gives discretion to the principal or designee to determine whether to send notification and information to parents/guardians when students in a class or school are found infested with head lice.”
LiceDoctors can Help
If your child has head lice, please call us at 562-472-2848 and we will have an expert lice technician at your home when you want us. We make house calls all over the Long Beach area and we can have your child cleared and ready for the next day of school.