Teens are especially sensitive about having lice. In general, the group that dislikes getting lice the most is definitely teenagers. Young children often feel no stigma and some may not even feel itchy. Teens, on the other hand, have their hands full dealing with every day social issues. The LAST thing they want is a case of head lice.
What Is Head Lice?
Head lice is a very common problem; any human can get head lice if they have hair. Lice are tiny parasitic, wingless insects that live on the human head. They require the warmth and food supply of the human scalp to survive. Head lice lay eggs (nits) on the strands of human hair, about ¼ of an inch away from the scalp.
Can Teenagers Get Head Lice?

While head lice is less common in teenagers than in younger children, it is still fairly common for teenagers to contract cases of head lice. As mentioned before, if a person has hair, he or she can contract a case of head lice. There are a number of ways a teenager can get a case of head lice, most often directly from another person with an active case of lice.
Why Does My Teenager Keep Getting Lice?
The important thing to know about transferring head lice is that the most common way is direct head to head exposure. Sure you can get lice from a hat or a chair, but that is unusual. Lice only want to leave a human head (the source of their food) if they find another human head. If your teen has experienced recurrent cases of lice, these might be reasons why:
- They have a friend with a case of lice that has gone undetected who is unknowingly spreading it.
- They participate in activities that expose them to head lice, such as sleepovers, parties, sports, selfies, camps, etc.
- The case of lice never went away entirely. This is most often the reason. If you leave eggs in the hair (easy to do since these eggs are small and blend into the hair), the case will show up again.
Lice Treatment in Teenagers
Treatment for head lice in teenager hair types is much the same as lice treatment for small children, but the good news is: it can be easier! Teenagers are more than eager to get rid of lice right away so as to avoid any negative stigma that may come along with it, so they are typically more cooperative than a combative toddler would be. To treat head lice in teenagers’ hair effectively, find the treatment option that is right for them.

Lice Tips for Teenagers' Parents
If you are a parent of one or more teenagers, preventing head lice infestations may be a challenge and can depend on a number of variables. Here are a few useful tips many of our past clients have found helpful:
- When attending class, social events, sports activities, hanging out with friends, or any other activity involving other people (not just other teens) do your best to minimize the risk of contracting head lice by ensuring long hair is tied up; keep the hair artificially dirty (use LiceDoctors Lice Repellent Spray, hairspray, gel, or mousse for example).
- Educate your teen on ways that head lice can be transmitted and practice ways they can avoid social contact that would be conducive to getting head lice.
- Check your teen’s hair on a regular basis - the earlier an infestation is caught the easier it will be to treat.
- If your teen contracts a case of head lice, don’t panic! It may seem like the end of the world to them and to you, but head lice is very treatable.
If your teen has lice call LiceDoctors today at 800-224-2537, and an experienced technician will come directly to your home so there is no chance of bumping into a classmate at a lice clinic or salon. The treatment is efficient and effective and is totally private. That is a guarantee!