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Lehigh Acres Florida School Head Lice Policy

Lehigh Acres Florida School Head Lice Policy
Created on 
August 13, 2019
Updated on 
July 17, 2020

Schools in Lehigh Acres are part of Lee County Schools and still hold to a strict “no nit” policy. Students are sent home until all evidence of lice, both bugs and eggs, are gone.

Lee County Schools

Pediculosis (head lice) rarely causes direct harm, are not known to transmit infectious disease, but are annoying, uncomfortable and socially unacceptable. They may cause itching, irritation and embarrassment.

Head lice are usually transmitted by direct contact with infested person's hair, but may be transferred with shared combs, hats or hair accessories. It is the policy of the School District of Lee County to control the spread of pediculosis among school age children with minimal interruption of the learning process. Screening for pediculosis is necessary only when infestation of live lice or nits are identified on an individual student or at the request of the school principal.


  1. When there is suspicion of infestation on an individual student, he/she should be sent to the Clinic for inspection.
  2. If live lice or nits are found, the child's parents should be notified. The child is not to return to school until the hair is treated and all nits are removed.
  3. A screening of the entire class should be done by the clinic assistant.
  4. Upon returning to school, the student should be go directly to the clinic to be reinspected. He/she will not be allowed to return to the classroom until all live lice and nits have been removed from the hair.
  5. Children should not be over treated with pediculicides. An initial treatment with a pediculicide followed by mechanical removal of all nits is the most effective treatment.

Source: Lee County School District

Even if your school excludes children from the classroom if they have any nits, LiceDoctors is here to get your child back in school fast. Call 239-284-1308 day or night for treatment you can trust.

We provide a friendly in-home lice removal service

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Johns Creek and Lawrenceville School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
August 8, 2019
Updated on 
July 17, 2020

Johns Creek and Lawrenceville School Head Lice Policies

Most schools in the Johns Creek and Lawrenceville areas adhere to a strict “no nit” policy, but always check with your child’s school for its specific policy.

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Help! I have Head Lice and it’s a Holiday!
Created on 
August 13, 2019
Updated on 
July 17, 2020

Help! I have Head Lice and it’s a Holiday!

What is a parent to do when he or she finds head lice on a holiday weekend? You need a helping hand and that’s LiceDoctors!

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Puyallup and Auburn School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
August 14, 2019
Updated on 
July 17, 2020

Puyallup and Auburn School Head Lice Policies

In accordence with recommenations by the CDC and the National Association of School Nurses, schools in Auburn and Puyallup have discontinued “no nit” policies and allow students with nits to remain in school, although these students are expected to be treated.

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