In accordence with recommenations by the CDC and the National Association of School Nurses, schools in Auburn and Puyallup have discontinued “no nit” policies and allow students with nits to remain in school, although these students are expected to be treated.
Auburn Schools
Exclude from group setting?
The American Academy of Pediatrics no longer recommends routine exclusion of children from K-12 settings for head lice. Child care licensing regulations also no longer require the routine exclusion for head lice. However, child cares may choose whether to include head lice and/or nits in their facility’s exclusion guidelines and whether exclusion is to be immediate or at the end of the day. The exclusion policy must be written and available to parents. Head lice are not a health hazard and are not easily spread in school-age classrooms. However, parents and guardians must be informed that prompt, proper treatment is in the best interest of their child and his or her classmates.
Source: Seattle King County Public Health
Puyallup Schools
- When a case of head lice is detected at school, the parent/guardian will be notified
- Students who appear to be infested with live head lice may be excluded from school.
- The parent/guardian will be provided with instruction for treatment.
- In addition to the day that students are sent home, students will receive one (1)excused absence to address treatment.
- The parent/guardian of child(ren) who come in contact with an infested child may, at the nurse’s discretion, be notified to examine their children for signs of lice or nits and, if found, treat before sending the child back to school.
- Removal of all live lice and a reduction in nits shall be a prerequisite for returning to school. School health personnel will examine the student. The parent/guardian is required to bring the student to school to v erify that the student is ready to return to school.
- If repeated infestations occur, additional screening may be indicated at the school health professional’s discretion to identify unrecognized cases.
Source: Puyallup School District Student Handbook
You can be sure that your child will be admitted to school in the Puyallup and Auburn area the next day if you call Lice Doctors at 216-316-8637 . You will be so glad that you did, and that is a guarantee!