Evanston/Skokie School District 65 school lice policy is more lenient than other areas. Evanston/Skokie District 65 allows children found to have head lice to “continue attending class if school health clerks are reasonably sure that they are being treated at home with special shampoo or other methods to kill the lice.”
Evanston/Skokie School District 65 lice management procedures reflect standard practice as recommended by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the National Association of School Nurses (NASN), the American School Health Association (ASHA), the Harvard School of Public Health, and many others. They all recommend that students with eggs and /or head lice REMAIN IN SCHOOL and not be immediately excluded. When lice are found on a child at school, that child’s parent will be informed. Health Office staff will follow up to make sure the child is treated appropriately. If the student is not treated appropriately, then she or he will not be able to return to school. Click here to view a fact sheet about head lice (English/Spanish).
Why Would These Medical Organizations Recommend This?
1. Although lice are “icky,” they do not cause disease and are not dangerous to the child or others. It did not make sense that children with the common cold, which is easily passed from student to student and can make them very sick, are kept in school. But children with lice, who are not sick, and which can only rarely be given to another child in school, and are in no way dangerous, were kept out of school.
2. No matter how careful staff is to protect the privacy of students, when a student leaves a class and does not come back, most students figure out the child has lice. This can be very embarrassing for the child and the family. In fact, the school usually does not know of most cases of lice because families are too embarrassed to tell us.
3. By the time lice are discovered, the child has usually had them for 3-4 weeks. They have been in school this whole time, and no one else in school has gotten lice from them. It doesn’t make sense to immediately take them out of school as soon as the lice are found.
4. And most importantly, Evanston/Skokie School District 65 is NOT a high risk area for getting lice! For more than 10 years multiple studies have proven that schools are RARELY the place for lice transmission. The vast majority of cases of lice are spread by friends and family members who often are among very young children, as in preschool or kindergarten, and likely a result of them playing very close together.
Lice cause an emotional reaction. Old fashioned “no-nit” practices were based on that reaction, not on scientific evidence of how lice were passed. Over the last 10 years MULTIPLE studies have proven keeping kids with eggs, or even lice, out of school does NOT reduce the amount of lice. “No-nit practices” are bad for the health, well-being, emotional and educational status of students.

- Health Office staff will check any student reported to possibly have lice. If active lice or nits (eggs) are found, the parent will be confidentially notified at the end of the school day. The teacher will be informed immediately, and the child will not use any shared headphone, helmets, hats or clothing. The health clerk or school nurse will provide information to the parents about proper treatment.
- Health Office staff and teacher will ensure that all clothes in the affected child’s locker are sent home for cleaning and that the custodian wipes out the locker with the regular cleaning solution.
- If no lice or nits are found, but the parent or child reports he or she has recently been treated for lice, the child will be checked again in one week.
- Household members and close playmates of the person with lice will also be checked. Parents will be informed if their child has lice. When lice are found at school, a letter will be sent out to the whole grade reminding parents of the signs of head lice.
- Students with lice will be checked when the they return to school and one week later to make sure all the lice are gone.
- If the child with lice is very young, Health Office staff may choose to check classmates in preschool and kindergarten.
- If a parent does not follow through with the proper treatment, then the child with lice will be excluded from school until proper treatment has been completed.
- Lice are very common. They always exist in children and in schools. No school is ever lice-free, just like no school is free of head colds.
Source: Evanston/Skokie School District

The Wilmette School District allows children with lice to continue attending class as long as they are being treated. The policy is consistent with the policies of the aforementioned district.
Effective 2016, Winnetka School District dropped its “no nit” lice policy whereby children with lice eggs were not allowed to remain in school.
The policy stipulates that:
All Schools:
- A trained school nurse will complete any screening for head lice when a case is suspected within a classroom.
- If a case of head lice is identified, the student’s parents will be contacted immediately.
- School-wide screenings for head lice will be discontinued.
- The school nurse will screen siblings of any student who has been identified as having head lice.
- The District will no longer implement a no-nit policy. Students will be allowed to return to school once a case of head lice has been properly treated.
Elementary Schools:
- If a case of head lice is identified, information will be sent home to parents of all students in that classroom.
- Children within a classroom where a case of head lice has been identified will be screened the following day by the school nurse. Parents may opt out of this screening by calling the school nurse prior to 9:00 a.m.
Middle Schools:
- Students will only be screened for head lice at parent request. No letter will be sent home.
Source: Winnetka Public Schools
LiceDoctors Evanston area in-home lice treatment service can help you through this process in the privacy of your own home. We guarantee that your child can return to school the day after treatment. Call 312-765-7266 for help now!