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Howard County School Lice Policies

Howard County School Lice Policies
Created on 
January 23, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020


An infestation of the head by the head louse pediculus humanus capitis. Head lice spend their life cycles on the skin of the human host. Lice are spread by direct contact (head to head) with an infested person and by contact with contaminated articles such as brushes, clothing, bedding, hair bows, etc.


Lice DO NOT transmit any disease and are considered a “nuisance” problem by both the Center for Disease Control and the HowardCounty Health Department. 

The school system does not routinely send out school-wide notifications of head lice unless greater than 10% of a population has confirmed live lice. Students who have been treated for live lice can return to school with proof of treatment ...even if they still have nits. 

Students with nits or lice

A student with complaints of an itchy scalp will be evaluated by the health room staff. If live lice are found, the parent/guardian will be notified about the need to treat with a pediculocide. “No Nit” policies are no longer indicated by the American Academy of Pediatrics.Therefore, students that present with nits will not be sent home.

Students will be required to show proof of treatment prior to the return of school including but not limited to the prescription or over the counter box. The recommendation is to retreat the student in 7-10 days per the product instructions. 

Health Room staff will check any close contacts such as siblings and/or other students with symptoms. Routine screenings are not recommended.”

Source: Howard County Public Schools

If you are in need of professional lice treatment, LiceDoctors will be at your home as soon as you need us. Just call 443-873-2187 and we will help you. That’s a guarantee!

We provide a friendly in-home lice removal service

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Columbia Schools Lice Policy
Created on 
January 23, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Columbia Schools Lice Policy

Children in Columbia schools are “permitted to attend school after proper treatment."

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Arlington Heights School District Lice Policy
Created on 
January 22, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Arlington Heights School District Lice Policy

The Arlington Heights School District has a “no live lice” policy. Children with live bugs are not allowed in school.

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Joliet School District 202 Lice Policy
Created on 
January 16, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Joliet School District 202 Lice Policy

Joliet School District has dropped its “no nit” policy. Students with lice should be treated and can return to school afterward.

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