7AM - MIDNIGHT | 7/365

Lice Treatment & Lice Removal Service in Woodbridge, New Jersey


Why LiceDoctors?

  • LiceDoctors makes house calls
  • Over 600,000 clients treated
  • Pricing lower than salons
  • Covered by FSA/HSAs
  • Medical professionals on staff
  • 30 day guarantee
  • Chemical-free protocols
  • 99.6% success rate
  • Available 365 days and nights
  • Totally confidential


Do You Need Help with Head Lice Removal in Woodbridge, NJ?

Head Lice Removal in Woodbridge

Are you struggling with head lice in Woodbridge, NJ and need assistance? Lice infestations can be challenging to eliminate, and over-the-counter or DIY treatments are often ineffective. LiceDoctors is a professional lice removal company that can help solve this problem. Our skilled lice removal specialists provide efficient in-home services in Woodbridge, NJ, and the neighboring areas. To schedule an appointment with us, all you need to do is contact us and we will send one of our professionals to your home. Our lice treatment service in Woodbridge, NJ utilizes an all-natural treatment that will leave you free of lice.

We have the most knowledgeable and cost-effective head lice removal services in Middlesex County, having treated hundreds of thousands of clients over the past 20 years. LiceDoctors is overseen by a board-certified medical professionals and backed by a full guarantee. We can dispatch one of our experienced lice treatment specialists to your home today to assess and treat your family in complete privacy.

Why Choose Us for Lice Treatment in Woodbridge, NJ?

  • With over 600,000 infested heads successfully treated, LiceDoctors is the most seasoned family head lice treatment service provider in Middlesex County, New Jersey. Our team of skilled technicians is proficient in eliminating lice infestations by locating and removing all visible lice eggs and bugs. Due to the minute size of the infestation signs, which can blend into the hair, it can be a challenging task to identify and eliminate all bugs and nits from the scalp. However, with our team's unparalleled expertise and experience in lice removal, you can trust that the job will be done right and we will leave you lice free.
  • At LiceDoctors, we specialize in natural lice removal treatment that is guaranteed to be effective, as we only use all-natural, chemical-free solutions. Our home service also ensures that your family members are treated with non-toxic products, and we strongly advise against the use of over-the-counter or prescription medications due to lice developing a high level of resistance against them. Our success rate is the highest among lice removal companies at 99.6%.
  • One of the benefits of using LiceDoctors is that our private and efficient services are performed right in the comfort of your own home. Opting for in-home head lice treatment allows for a more relaxed experience, eliminating the need to spend time driving to a Woodbridge lice treatment center where you and your kids will have to sit for hours. Particularly with young children, the stress of getting them to behave during a prolonged lice salon session can be overwhelming.
  • LiceDoctors is the only service provider in New Jersey with a physician on staff; lice professionals is our renowned expert in chemical-free remedies. Lice professionals's treatment and at-home aftercare align with the National Pediculosis Association's recommendations in Newton, MA.
  • The Woodbridge, NJ head lice removal approach provided by your LiceDoctors expert lice technician is completely pesticide-free, making it safe for pregnant women and individuals of all ages.
  • Our lice treatment specialists will educate your family and answer any questions about head lice removal service. We provide families with an aftercare plan to prevent future outbreaks.
  • An expert is available to answer questions every day from 7 AM to midnight, recognizing that finding lice can be stressful and overwhelming. The head lice treatment is guaranteed for one month, and LiceDoctors will retreat you for free if signs of head lice appear after treatment and follow-up period. Call 609-722-7143 for same day, private, affordable, and effective service or schedule an appointment online.

Professional Lice Removal - Our Process

The process for our professional lice removal service includes the following steps:

  1. Set-up - Our technician will explain the process while setting up their workspace.
  2. Apply a natural oil solution and do a section by section comb-out - The technician will apply oil, section the hair, and carefully comb bugs and eggs from the hair using a professional grade nit comb.
  3. Hand pick remaining nits - The technician will handpick any remaining lice and nits after the hair is dry. This is an especially important step for our lice specialists and requires a lot of practice and training. The bugs are small and run away from light and the eggs camouflage in the hair.
  4. Reapply oil - The technician will finish up with a final oil application and comb-through on you and your children as added insurance that there are no live lice in the hair.
  5. Go over follow-up plan and advise how to prevent another case - The technician will provide a copyrighted follow-up treatment plan developed by our medical professionals to ensure the lice do not return. She will educate families so that you all feel comfortable and confident that your lice problem and itchy scalp have been addressed.

Our process guarantees safe, effective, and efficient lice treatment and removal, resulting in a permanent elimination of the infestation. Since lice are so contagious we recommend that your entire family be checked and receive a head lice removal treatment if infested.

Call Lice Doctors for Lice Treatment Right in Your Home in Woodbridge, NJ Today!

LiceDoctors has a team of skilled and professional lice removal specialists who will meticulously screen every member of your family and treat those affected. Unlike traditional lice salons, LiceDoctors' at-home service enables families to maintain their daily routine so you don't have to spend hours waiting for treatment at a salon. Seeking the help of lice experts can expedite the lice removal process as we are well-trained and efficient at identifying and treating head lice. With LiceDoctors, a technician will visit your house to initiate the lice and nit removal procedure.

Head lice treatment in Woodbridge and surrounding areas includes Avanel, Carteret, Colonia, Fords, Iselin, Linden, Metuchen, and more. Contact us today to take advantage of our home visits performed at a time that works for you. You can contact us from 7am until midnight, any day of the week or weekend.


We have some of the most affordable pricing for lice treatment in Woodbridge, New Jersey. We come directly to your home and do house calls in Woodbridge, New Jersey, all for an affordable price!

Worried about the cost of lice treatment? Don't be! At LiceDoctors, we offer family-friendly pricing to make professional lice removal accessible to everyone.

Unlike other companies, we charge by the hour to make sure you're only paying for what you need and for the time that we're in your home.

Here's the details on our pricing:

  • First hour: $199
  • Follow-on hours: $185 per hour -  billed in 15 minute increments
  • Two-hour minimum: A two-hour minimum is charged if your technician is more than 30 miles from your home
  • Sunday appointments: A $20 surcharge is applied for any services performed on Sunday
  • Average cost: ~$480 for a family of four
  • 30-day guarantee: Our 30-day guarantee is included with your service, making sure you are lice-free!
  • HSA/FSA: We accept HSA/FSA cards and are eligible for HSA/FSA reimbursement!

Our prices are significantly lower than many other lice companies that may charge as much as $800 or more for a family of four

Follow-on treatments are also available

If you would like a follow-up treatment for additional peace of mind, or if you have been re-exposed from school or family members outside of your home outside of the 30-day guarantee we offer discounted rates!

  • Work done in the first hour will be billed at $179
  • Any work done after the first hour is billed in 15 minute increments at a rate of $175 per hour
  • The same two-hour minimum policies apply

FAQs about Lice Treatment in Woodbridge, NJ


If there was one louse in the hair, there will most likely be nits (eggs). Each adult female louse can lay 6 plus eggs a day. The first few days after they are laid, they are microscopic so you can easily miss them. If you found a louse on your son or daughter, start treatment (stay away from over-the-counter products as the bugs are resistant to them) or give us a call to remove lice in the Woodbridge, NJ area.


Unfortunately the answer is yes. Lice do not care if your hair is dyed. They use it to climb up to the scalp to get their food: your blood. If you apply hair dye it may kill some of the lice but it will not affect the eggs.


There are differences between nits (lice eggs) and dandruff. Nits are tiny, oval shaped objects with pointy fronts that have an antenna protruding. They stick to the hair and are translucent. When placed on a white paper towel they appear brown as they house a baby louse inside. Dandruff is flakey and flat and white. Dandruff flakes are usually larger than nits.




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