CALL US NOW: 918-236-8596
Are you a Tulsa, OK area resident dealing with a lice problem?
Simply call or schedule an appointment with LiceDoctors and we will dispatch an expert lice technician to your home. Our Tulsa lice treatment service uses an all natural treatment that will leave you lice-free.

We are the most experienced and cost-effective lice removal service in the area; we have treated hundreds of thousands of clients over 20 years. LiceDoctors operates under the guidance of a board-certified, on-staff medical professionals and we back our service with a full guarantee! Let's get an expert lice technician to your house today to treat you in absolute privacy.
Why Choose LiceDoctors in Tulsa, OK?
If you’re frustrated or feel like you’re spending all your free time stressing over lice, you’re not alone! Tulsa, OK moms and dads call LiceDoctors every day to say they’ve been nit-picking forever and have tried every remedy they can find on the internet, just to have to do it all over again a couple weeks later. In fact, we’ve helped over half a million families just like yours. So we understand that you need

to go to work, and your children need to go to school. Our lice treatment process, developed with a board-certified medical professionals, has an unrivaled 99.9% success rate in eliminating the lice and nits for good, so you can return to school the very next day and get back to normal ASAP.
Head lice can be more than just annoying. We take your family’s head lice problem very seriously, and we also take your budget seriously. LiceDoctors tries very hard to be the best deal on professional, natural lice removal that actually works. Effective lice treatment is an investment, whether you go to your doctor (who probably is not a lice doctor ie. wasn’t trained in lice removal in medical school and won’t spend time de-licing your child) or hire a lice-removal professional, there’s nothing worse than paying for a service or lice medication, only to have it not work and be right back where you started. We stand behind our guarantee that your family’s lice problem will be gone for good, without harsh chemicals or major cleaning and laundry.
If you’re thinking of going into a lice clinic or salon for your lice treatment, be careful. Lice isn’t the kind of problem you can just swing by to get treated between school and dinner. Be wary of businesses that do a treatment that does not include nit-removal, or claim to have no follow-up. Treating lice is a process, and to be effective, involves follow-up and getting the whole family checked. We know these things are necessary, so we make sure that we include this from the start, so you don’t have to worry about spending more money and time later. That is why we have such a high success rate!
Since it takes a few weeks to even start itching after someone catches lice (seriously!) we often find lice on other family members, who have no itching or visible lice, due to our special method of lice checks. Our prices are the lowest in Tulsa and our service is the most convenient, private, and effective.
LiceDoctors services all zip codes in the area including 74105, 74128 and 74136. And YES, we can come to your home in Broken Arrow, Jenks, Bixby, Owasso, Claremore, Stillwater, or wherever you are in the Tulsa Metro Area...we can even treat your students at OSU before they come home with some unwanted Christmas presents.
Convenient and affordable lice treatment in your home in Tulsa, OK and Northeast Oklahoma
You work hard for your family. Who has time for lice? It’s a rough fact of life that lice can happen to anyone with hair on their head, no matter how clean you keep your home or your hair. Most parents in Tulsa grab a lice shampoo and pray for the best...only to find out later that no matter what type of treatment you use, it’ll still be days, or even weeks, of picking out those itty bitty nits, and if you miss just a couple, you might have to start all over again. Give LiceDoctors a call at the first sign of lice just to see what your options are, before wasting your time and money on remedies that don’t work. We have caring and experienced local Tulsa head lice professionals standing by, day and night, weekends and holidays, who would be honored to come take care of your family, and we guarantee that we can get rid of your lice worries naturally and quickly, without your having to stress about dealing with bugs.