CALL US NOW: 602-753-0289
Are you a Tempe, AZ area resident dealing with a lice problem?
Simply call or schedule an appointment with LiceDoctors and we will dispatch an expert lice technician to your home. Our Tempe lice treatment and removal service uses an all natural treatment that will leave you lice-free.
We are the most experienced and cost-effective lice removal service in the area; we have treated hundreds of thousands of clients over 20 years. LiceDoctors operates under the guidance of a board-certified, on-staff medical professionals and we back our service with a full guarantee! Let's get an expert lice technician to your house today to treat you in absolute privacy.
Why choose us in Tempe, Arizona?
“How did it get this bad?” parents in Tempe, AZ ask us all the time; “I just now noticed it, and she has hundreds of nits!”
Lice are sneaky. If there’s one thing they’ve learned from centuries of passing silently from one human head to another, it’s how to stay undetected for as long as possible. That’s right; lice can’t hibernate in carpets or fly around schools looking for new victims; head lice die after about a day of not being on a human head, so stealthy human-to-human transmission is essential for the survival of their species.

So, if your child has what looks like a full-blown case of lice, you shouldn’t feel bad about missing it until now. Most parents only start to suspect head lice when their child starts scratching excessively, and that doesn’t usually happen until several weeks after catching lice! LiceDoctors can get rid of any lice infestation from barely noticeable to heavy cases.
Anybody with hair is at risk for getting head lice. Preschool and early elementary school students are most at risk as they are in close proximity to each other throughout the day. They then bring home lice and share it with your families. With LiceDoctors all-natural lice treatment, everyone can be free of lice within a few hours.
Our chemical-free lice and nit removal is effective for eliminating any case of lice, from not even detectable to very bad. We have a 99.6% success rate, so we confidently guarantee that we will figure out for sure exactly which family members have lice and get rid of the infestations for you. Your local lice professionals are standing by every day, ready to head over to your home and help your family out before anything gets any worse.
Green head lice treatment from an experienced local lice professional in Tempe, AZ
Life in Tempe, AZ offers plenty of opportunities to keep busy. Whether you enjoy concerts at Tempe Center for the Arts or prefer spending time outdoors at Tempe Town Lake, we know you don’t want to spend your day inside chasing away lice that never seem to never really go away. We can take charge of your lice problem and provide a fast, yet thorough, solution for you. Whether you are a family living in the area or a student at Arizona State or a single professional, LiceDoctors is your answer to lice infestations today.
We service all zip codes in the area including 85202, 85280 and 85281.
In-home lice treatment is available in Ahwatukee, Dobson Ranch, Guadalupe, Laveen, South Mountain Village, Tempe and many more.