CALL US NOW: 908-574-0196
Simply call or schedule an appointment with LiceDoctors and we will dispatch an expert lice technician to your home. Our Somerset county lice treatment service uses an all natural treatment that will leave you lice-free.
We are the most experienced and cost-effective lice removal service in the area; we have treated hundreds of thousands of clients over 20 years. LiceDoctors operates under the guidance of a board-certified, on-staff medical professionals and we back our service with a full guarantee! Let's get an expert lice technician to your house today to treat you in absolute privacy.

Most parents in Somerset County just don’t have time for lice. Unfortunately, lice don’t care. Fortunately, we do care! We are here answering the phone until midnight every day, even on weekends. When you first discover lice on your child, or get that miserable call from the school nurse, it’s natural to feel anxious. But before you panic, let’s discuss what’s really important to know about having head lice.
Getting lice is nobody’s fault. Despite the stigma associated with this tiny, mostly harmless parasite, lice are not attracted to people with poor hygiene. In fact, it’s the clean, sociable people who are most likely to get lice! Lice have an easier time setting up domicile in squeaky clean hair than in dirty hair. Parents call us every day, wondering how they managed to evade lice during the early years of raising little kids, and now suddenly their teenage daughter is infested. Did she recently start to care about her appearance, and take more care to make sure her hair is always clean and shiny? Did she just join the field hockey team and start huddling up with her new teammates? Any activity that involves head-to-head contact carries a risk of catching head lice.
Similarly, head lice are the only type of lice on the planet that live their entire lifecycle on the human head. People who keep messy or unclean houses are no more likely to get head lice than someone with a spotless home. Lice don’t care where you live, because they have no plans to get off the head, anyway. Think of them like trains, and hair as train tracks. They can transfer from one track to another when the two meet up, but can’t strike out to explore the world at large. They have specialized appendages that really only allow them to move over the track they’ve adapted to: head hair of humans. If a louse happens to fall off a head, its clock is ticking. With no ability to jump, fly, or run along surfaces other than hair, it’s just hoping to hitch a ride on clean hair before the next day marks its doom.Â
So, don’t be worried about letting kids with lice into the house; be cautious about hugging and carrying those kids. If you’ve done so in the 2 weeks prior to the lice being discovered, it’s likely already too late, as lice are contagious long before symptoms develop. Remain calm; call LiceDoctors immediately (even if it’s late at night!), and we’ll get you set up with a competent lice professional who will discreetly handle the lice for you in the privacy of your own home.
Your lice professional will do a complete step by step lice removal service that will leave you free of lice. She will also leave you with a simple aftercare plan to keep the lice away; the service comes with a 30 day guarantee. She has the expertise and tools to find everything in your hair, even small nits (lice eggs), many of which camouflage. As you have probably learned, this is definitely a job for the professionals.
LiceDoctors is available 365 days and nights a year. Call us at 908-574-0196 for lice treatment at a time that you choose.

Being one of the oldest counties in the United States means that head lice have likely been a part of life in Somerset County, NJ since before it was even chartered. Lice have evolved alongside humans for centuries, have followed us around the globe, and are always finding new tricks to remain undetected and survive attempts to kill them. Their newest trick is chemical resistance; what you’ve probably heard referred to as “super lice.” This means that, although it would seem like the fastest lice treatment might be to apply a topical chemical pesticide, new research indicates this will no longer be fully effective.Â
About 99% of lice sampled in the US show some chemical resistance today. Even the strongest newer topical chemicals (available only by an MD’s prescription) don’t kill 100% of the nits. How do you know which nits survived? Sadly, you don’t—they all have to be removed. Trust us to do that for you with our modern twist on a method that’s been working since before the area was settled in 1681: thorough combing and manual removal. It is the best and the safest lice removal protocol; lice treatments come with a 30 day guarantee.Â
LiceDoctors services all of Somerset County, New Jersey, including Basking Ridge, Bernardsville, Bound Brook, Bridgewater, Far Hills, Franklin Township, Hillsborough, Somerville and more. We service all zip codes in the area including 08873, 08875 and 07939. LiceDoctors technicians travel all over the state; call us now for a quote day or night.