7AM - MIDNIGHT | 7/365

Lice Treatment & Lice Removal Service in Lakeland, Florida


Why LiceDoctors?

  • LiceDoctors makes house calls
  • Over 600,000 clients treated
  • Pricing lower than salons
  • Covered by FSA/HSAs
  • Medical professionals on staff
  • 30 day guarantee
  • Chemical-free protocols
  • 99.6% success rate
  • Available 365 days and nights
  • Totally confidential

CALL US NOW: 813-438-2323

Are you a Lakeland, FL area resident dealing with a lice problem?

Simply call or schedule an appointment with LiceDoctors and we will dispatch an expert lice technician to your home. Our Lakeland lice treatment and removal service uses an all natural treatment that will leave you lice-free.

We are the most experienced and cost-effective lice removal service in the area; we have treated hundreds of thousands of clients over 20 years. LiceDoctors operates under the guidance of a board-certified, on-staff medical professionals and we back our service with a full guarantee! Let's get an expert lice technician to your house today to treat you in absolute privacy.

Why Choose Us in Lakeland, Florida? 

Do you live in the Lakeland area and

are you frustrated with a head lice issue? For far too long, parents and caregivers have endured time-consuming, expensive, and only moderately effective over-the-counter head lice treatments. These treatments, along with home remedies for lice, are often inconvenient and can cause allergic reactions, sometimes severe. Take that worry off of your mind with LiceDoctors chemical-free, non-toxic process. 

We understand that head lice cause a lot of stress and anxiety and we will happily

Lice Treatment in Lakeland, FL

come to your home to relieve you of that at the same time as we eradicate the lice. LiceDoctors exists to provide you with the safest, most effective, urgent care head lice treatments that work every time, for everyone...no matter what the severity of the case is on the hair.

Our board certified physician, lice professionals, developed an effective organic protocol over 20 years ago and we have successfully treated over 600,000 clients to date. Not only is our process 99.9% effective, we also have a 30 day guarantee to back it up. We want you to feel confident in your choice to have us come to you to get the job done right.

To ensure you are receiving the most affordable treatment, we never charge per head. Charging per head is more costly to you. We will only charge for the time the technician is working in the home. We also don’t require you to clean, bag or lauder anything in the home, at any point. Our technician will walk you through what to do on the hair, step by step, after the treatment is done to be sure you will not have any recurrence.

Call LiceDoctors now at 813-438-2323 and we will happily set up a convenient time for you so you can breathe knowing you are finally lice free! To make it even easier on you, our treatment process is HSA/FSA approved and some insurance policies cover it as well. Don’t waste your time and money on smelly chemical treatments anymore! Our meticulous technician will give you your time back to enjoy your life.

In-Home Lice Removal in Lakeland, Florida

Lakeland’s diverse population of families, retirees, single people, and students makes it an easy home for lice. Lice love the warm weather in Florida, as they can spread easily when people are outside in close contact. These bugs can become a real nuisance! A qualified and knowledgeable lice specialist will come to you to help you finally eradicate head lice, wherever you are, even if you are on vacation.  LiceDoctors technicians are not only expert nitpickers, but they are also experts at communicating and educating clients on the true facts of lice, follow-up procedures, and prevention techniques.

LiceDoctors makes house calls! We service Lakeland, Florida and all surrounding areas including Auburndale, Bartow, Haines City, Mango, Plant City, Winter Haven, and more. We service all zip codes in the area including 33811, 33803 anmd 33805.




We have some of the most affordable pricing for lice treatment in Lakeland, Florida. We come directly to your home and do house calls in Lakeland, Florida, all for an affordable price!

Worried about the cost of lice treatment? Don't be! At LiceDoctors, we offer family-friendly pricing to make professional lice removal accessible to everyone.

Unlike other companies, we charge by the hour to make sure you're only paying for what you need and for the time that we're in your home.

Here's the details on our pricing:

  • First hour: $199
  • Follow-on hours: $179 per hour -  billed in 15 minute increments
  • Two-hour minimum: A two-hour minimum is charged if your technician is more than 30 miles from your home
  • Sunday appointments: A $20 surcharge is applied for any services performed on Sunday
  • Average cost: ~$480 for a family of four
  • 30-day guarantee: Our 30-day guarantee is included with your service, making sure you are lice-free!
  • HSA/FSA: We accept HSA/FSA cards and are eligible for HSA/FSA reimbursement!

Our prices are significantly lower than many other lice companies that may charge as much as $800 or more for a family of four

Follow-on treatments are also available

If you would like a follow-up treatment for additional peace of mind, or if you have been re-exposed from school or family members outside of your home outside of the 30-day guarantee we offer discounted rates!

  • Work done in the first hour will be billed at $179
  • Any work done after the first hour is billed in 15 minute increments at a rate of $169 per hour
  • The same two-hour minimum policies apply


Lakeland, Florida Lice Treatment FAQs

My child goes to school in Plant City, FL. The nurse says he has head lice because there are white things on his hair; how can I tell if it is?

My family was driving on I-4 the other day and in the sunlight I saw something crawling on my child’s head. Can I go buy an over-the-counter treatment to get rid of lice?

My granddaughter has lice and she was at my house the other day after she visited some friends in Auburndale, FL. Does that mean I have lice now?

Do I have lice if I went to the beach and now my children and I have itchy scalps?


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