Are you a Greensboro, NC area resident dealing with a lice problem?
Simply call or schedule an appointment with LiceDoctors and we will dispatch an expert lice technician to your home. Our Greensboro lice treatment and nit removal service uses an all natural treatment that will leave you lice-free.
We are the most experienced and cost-effective lice removal service in the area; we have treated hundreds of thousands of clients over 20 years. LiceDoctors operates under the guidance of a board-certified, on-staff medical professionals and we back our service with a full guarantee! Let's get an expert lice technician to your house today to treat you in absolute privacy.
Why Choose LICEDOCTORS in Greensboro, NC for Lice Removal?

Lice are never convenient! We know how precious your family’s time is. That’s why LiceDoctors makes house calls day and night every day of the year. Give us a call and we can talk you through the process.
Not only does LiceDoctors have a board-certified physician on staff, our all-natural chemical-free treatment plan has a 99.6% success rate. Over 500,000 happy children and adults have been treated so far!
DIY lice kits use chemicals that are ineffective against today’s chemical-resistant “super lice.” Other treatment and removal companies may require a visit to a special salon, while LiceDoctors treats you in your own home. Our goal is to make your lice treatment experience as easy as possible for you. The most relaxed place for a child is his or her own home; as each child finishes treatment, he or she is in a familiar place and can go back to “real life” without having to wait with you at a salon for hours while you or siblings are treated.
LiceDoctors can work around your schedule to send your technician straight to your home anywhere in the Greensboro, NC area. We handle all of the supplies and the nit-picking

while your family can relax together right at home. No chemicals are used and there is no chance of side effects. Your expert technician will do a thorough comb-out followed by a strand by strand check and handpicking of any remaining nits (lice eggs). She will go over a basic
aftercare plan with you and answer all of your questions, educating you on how to handle lice forever!
Technicians are available to make house calls seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Call to speak to a live lice expert from 7 AM until midnight at 336-814-2036.
Greensboro’s cost-effective lice treatment.
We know you and your family have way too much to do, and we can’t wait to help you get rid of your lice problem fast. Call LiceDoctors any time of day to speak to us—we’re happy to answer any questions and give you a more personalized quote. Whether you want to stay in and hang out with your kids or bring them to our great Guilford Courthouse National Military Park or the Bog Garden, don’t let lice stand in your way. Why treat lice with ineffective and harsh chemicals on your own or rely on an inconvenient trip to the salon, when you can have your treatment at home in your pj’s?
Technicians make house calls to Asheboro, Burlington, Greensboro, High Point, Kernersville, Thomasville, Winston-Salem, and all towns in the region. We service all zip codes in the area including 28737, 27215 AND 27360.