CALL US NOW: 201-431-3913
Do You Need Help with Head Lice Removal in Fair Lawn, NJ?
With LiceDoctors, you can rest easy. Our lice removal services in Fair Lawn and surrounding area are safe, effective, and all-natural. We have been successful in treating over 600,000 clients over the past two decades.
If you are dealing with lice today, let us help! An expert technician will come to your Fair Lawn, New Jersey home to safely remove lice in a convenient and easy way. She will use a step-by-step protocol that includes methodical comb-outs with a professional-grade nit comb and manual extraction of the lice eggs. This process requires experience and your technician has the expertise to do a complete job. Services are covered under most FSAs and HSAs as well as by some insurance plans.
We are committed to ensuring your privacy and convenience, which is why your technician makes house calls to check your whole family and treat whomever is affected. Our lice services offer much flexibility - when child one is finished he or she can return to regular activities; there is no need to spend hours at a lice place when you can be treated at home. Phone us at 201-431-3913 to make an appointment and we will dispatch a lice specialist to provide you and your children head lice removal on your schedule.
Why Choose Us for Lice Treatment in Fair Lawn, NJ?

Lice have become very resistant to chemicals contained in traditional lice treatments. These “super lice” must be removed from the hair and that is what your expert lice technician will do for you. LiceDoctors is the most experienced and cost-effective lice removal service in the Fair Lawn, New Jersey area. Here are some of the benefits of LiceDoctors in-home lice treatment service:
- Technicians make house calls. You will get the most discreet and convenient care with an at-home visit. We save you the aggravation of loading up the car and driving to a lice treatment center where you will need to keep your kids behaved while waiting for combing to be done.
- Lice removal service is discreet and private. Your lice specialist will arrive in an unmarked car so if you want to maintain your privacy there are no worries of being spotted walking into a lice salon.
- We have the most experience. Our lice specialists have successfully conducted pesticide-free, eco-friendly head lice removal on many thousands of clients. No other Bergen County lice service can match us our track record We have a 99.6% success rate.
- Your removal service on every family member comes with a guarantee. We offer a 30-day guarantee. In the unlikely event that you discover lice in the hair post-treatment, we will come back at no charge to you.
- LiceDoctors has a physician on staff. Medical Director, lice professionals, is an expert on head lice removal and has conducted studies on the life cycle of lice and the best ways to eradicate head lice. He developed our lice treatment process and follow-up plan which is the most effective in the lice treatment business.
- All lice treatments are chemical-free. Your lice specialist will use only natural, non-toxic, and totally safe lice protocols for your family. Over-the-counter products with chemicals may have side effects and are not effective as lice have become resistant (super lice). Our process is safe for everyone — including babies, kids, and adults.
- Appointments are available day or night. One of our lice experts will come to treat your family any time you want — 365 days a year. She will remove your worry and leave you relieved.
Professional Lice Removal - Our Process
If this is your first time dealing with head lice, we know you feel stressed and just want to get rid of lice. You have likely wasted your time and money on treatments that just don't work. We assure you that you have come to the right place. One of our experienced lice treatment specialists will conduct lice removal as follows:
- Set-up — Your expert lice technician will review the process to the entire family as she sets up her supplies.
- Apply oil and comb — She will saturate the hair with oil, divide the hair into sections, and using a prescribed pattern, she will comb out lice eggs and bugs using a professional grade comb.
- Nitpick by hand remaining nits (lice eggs) — When the hair is dry, she will handpick any remaining nits and head lice doing a strand by strand check.
- Apply another oil treatment — She will finish up with a second oil application and comb-out. Expertise is very important here; you want to remove all visible eggs and ensure that you have gotten rid of all live lice.
- Review follow-up plan — We leave you with our safe aftercare plan that guarantees that you are lice-free. Following this plan also means that you do not need to wash all of your clothes and scrub down the house.
- Advise how to prevent a future infestation. — Your technician will educate families, answer any questions, and will give you advice on how to prevent future outbreaks on your family members.

Call Lice Doctors for Lice Treatment Right in Your Home in Fair Lawn, NJ Today!
We are the most experienced lice removal service in New Jersey! Let's get an expert lice technician to your house today to treat you in absolute privacy. LiceDoctors offers same day service in your own home so you can get your kids back to school the next day.
To get rid of that itchy scalp and get treated today, call LiceDoctors at 201-431-3913 in order to make an appointment today for lice removal. Fair Lawn NJ. head lice removal services are provided in your home in Bergen County, New Jersey in Elmwood Park, Fair Lawn, Garfield, Glen Rock, Saddle Brook, Totowa, and Waldwick, and all other towns in the area. Professional lice treatment specialists at your home on your schedule to leave your family lice can't beat that!