Head Lice Tips
What to Do About Head Lice During the Coronavirus Epidemic
We want you to be safe. Getting head lice is stressful. The fear of getting COVID-19, better known as the Coronavirus, is way more stressful and way more serious. How do you handle head lice in the time of COVID-19? LiceDoctors Owner lice professionals shares important information regarding lice treatment in these uniquely stressful times.
Smyrna and La Vergne School Head Lice Policies
The Rutherford County School District head lice policy states that the student’s educational program should only be restricted to the extent necessary to minimize the risk of transmitting the infestation.
Orem School Head Lice Policies
Schools in the Orem area do not hold to a strict "no nit" policy for head lice. This means that students are not excluded from attending classes solely for the presence of nits.
Carmel and Fishers School Head Lice Policies
Schools in Carmel, Indiana do not have a “no nit” school” lice policy. This means that students are not kept from attending school when there are only nits present.
Maryville and Farragut School Head Lice Policies
Schools in Maryville and Farragut do not enforce strict “no nit” policies for head lice. Children are not excluded for the presence of eggs alone.
Waukesha and New Berlin School Head Lice Policies
Schools in Waukesha and New Berlin have come into alignment with recommendations from the National Association of School Nurses and no longer advocate for “no nit” policies.
Freeport and Merrick School Head Lice Policies
If you’re not sure how your child’s school, including schools in Freeport and Merrick, and neighboring towns, handles outbreaks of head lice, you can always contact the school nurse. Generally, the school nurse will advise you as to when your child can return to school.
Greeley and Loveland School Head Lice Policies
Schools in Greeley and Loveland do not hold to strict “no nit” policies. Nits are recommended to be removed daily but children are expected to return to school the day after treatment.
Lancaster and York School head Lice Policies
Schools in York and Lancaster are in alignment with recommendations from the National Association of School Nurses regarding head lice policies and have thus dropped strict “no nit” policies. Students with eggs only (no live lice) will be permitted to return to school.
Rowlett and Rockwall School Head Lice Policies
Schools in Rowlett and Rockwall no longer hold to strict “no nit” policies. Instead they are in alignment with recommendations from the CDC and National Association of School Nurses as they have adopted “no live lice” policies.