Head Lice Tips
Can Stress Cause Head Lice?
Let’s not mince words…when a mom, dad, grandparent, nanny, or anyone in the position of a caregiver even hears the word “lice” their heart skips a beat. It usually also brings on a bout of itching, leaving them wondering “do I have lice?” This is especially so when they are dealing with the everyday stresses of life. When these two elements combine, and they find a full-blown lice infestation, they begin to wonder, and understandably so, does stress cause head lice?
Lice Sores: How Do You Heal Them?
Are you dealing with painful and itchy lice sores or bites from lice? Learn the ways to treat and heal your head sores in this comprehensive guide.
Top 6 Hairstyles to Prevent and Avoid Lice
Families that have been affected by a case of head lice have many concerns – not to be overlooked is the need to ensure steps are taken to prevent future head lice infestations. Before you get head lice, or if you never want to experience head lice again, review our top five hairstyles that prevent lice.
Dealing with Lice in Curly Hair: What You Need to Know and How to Handle It
This article reveals all the information regarding head lice and curly hair. Read our blog post and find out how you can get them and how to treat them!
What is the life cycle of a lice? How long do head lice live? Read this blog to learn about lice life cycle including stages from the egg to the adult louse.
How Long Can Lice Live?
Sometimes our clients wonder how long do lice live without a host? They are thinking about lice in the house or on their clothes.
How to Get Rid of Lice in Dreadlocks
Yes, it is possible to get head lice if you have locs (dreadlocks). Lice do not respect hair texture. Although, they would prefer straight and loose curls, their strong desire for blood supersedes their personal preferences.
Head Lice in Schools: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Schools
Lice are reborn when students begin to return to class. In schools, cases of the disease occur from time to time. We will help you to cope with this problem.
You Are Not The Only One With Head Lice!
You are not alone when it comes to getting head lice. Millions of children and their families get lice each year. Lice can be transmitted easily!
Do Lice Really Like Clean or Dirty Hair?
Wondering if lice like clean hair or dirty hair? The truth is, they can survive on any type of hair. Read our blog to know why lice like clean or dirty hair.