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Head Lice Tips

Mesa Arizona School Lice Policy

Mesa Arizona School Lice Policy
Created on 
April 18, 2019

Schools in the Mesa area have come into alignment with current advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association of School Nurses; they do not hold to a strict “no nit” policy. The school health office does not do classroom screenings. They are strongly discouraged by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association of School Nurses Screening should be performed only when students demonstrate symptoms. Head lice is not an unusual condition in children and has nothing to do with cleanliness. Anyone can get head lice.

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Glendale and Peoria School Lice Policies

Glendale and Peoria School Lice Policies
Created on 
April 17, 2019

Each school district sets its own policies with regard to head lice. Peoria schools do not enforce a “no nit” policy, meaning children are able to return to school once treatment has begun, while Glendale schools continue to exclude children from the classroom if they have live bugs OR nits. Check with your school nurse for particulars on your child’s school lice policy. GLENDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL “Head Lice, Bed Bugs and Other Parasites Head lice, bed bugs and other parasites are easily transmitted from one person to another. It has nothing to do with person hygiene, anyone can become infested.

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Tempe School Lice Policy

Tempe School Lice Policy
Created on 
April 17, 2019

Tempe schools view lice as a nuisance so they do not exclude children for the presence of nits in the hair. Once an infested child has begun treatment and the live bugs are gone, he or she may return to the classroom. HEAD LICE/PEDICULOSIS While head lice are not considered an infectious disease, they are more commonly found in children due to their close contact with each other. Parents should discourage their children from sharing personal items such as hats, scarves, head bands, helmets, brushes, combs, or pillows to decrease the likelihood of spread from one person to another.

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Scottsdale School Lice Policy

Scottsdale School Lice Policy
Created on 
April 17, 2019

Schools in the Scottsdale Unified School District do not restrict a child‘s presence in the classroom based on the presence of lice. Scottsdale Head Lice Guidelines The Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) follows the evidenced based guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Association of School Nurses (NASN), and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in regards to pediculosis/head lice management.

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Hoover Public School Lice Policy

Hoover Public School Lice Policy
Created on 
April 1, 2019

Every school sets its own policy for how to deal with head lice, so it is important to check with your child‘s school for particulars. The following head lice policy has been reported: HOOVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS Hoover schools hold to a “no nit“ policy, stating that children will not be allowed in the classroom if “Head lice or continued presence of nits after treatment of head lice are present.” Source: Hoover City Schools website LiceDoctors can help get your child back in school as soon as your all- natural, chemical-free, and, most importantly, effective treatment is complete.

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Huntsville School Lice Policy

Huntsville School Lice Policy
Created on 
March 27, 2019

Schools in the Huntsville area are in alignment with current CDC and NASN policies with regard to head lice/nits, in that they allow students to remain in school or return to school as long as no live bugs are detected. Huntsville City Schools’ Head Lice (Pediculosis)Procedure requires the parent, guardian or designee be contacted and required to pick up the student in a timely manner should live lice be detected on the student’s scalp or hair while at school.

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Can You Get Lice From Camping?

Can You Get Lice From Camping?
Created on 
March 26, 2019

Planning a camping trip? Discover if you can get lice from camping and get essential tips on staying lice-free in the great outdoors.

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Burleson and Mansfield School Lice Policies

Burleson and Mansfield School Lice Policies
Created on 
March 26, 2019

LiceDoctors reports that schools in the Burleson and Mansfield areas do not adhere to a strict “no nit” policy, excluding students instead based on the presence of live lice.

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Grapevine, Southlake and Keller School Lice Policies

Grapevine, Southlake and Keller School Lice Policies
Created on 
March 15, 2019

School districts in Texas vary widely in their responses to head lice, and Grapevine, Southlake and Keller are no exception. Always check with your child‘s school health services, but here we provide you with helpful links to access your school policy pages. Grapevine Colleyville ISD Grapevine schools do not adhere to a strict “no nit” policy, parents are encouraged to work closely with their school’s nurse to monitor the effectiveness of their treatment plan.

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Hurst, Bedford and Euless School Lice Policies

Hurst, Bedford and Euless School Lice Policies
Created on 
March 15, 2019

Schools in the area of Hurst, Bedford and Euless do not enforce a “no nit” policy with regard to lice. Students are encouraged to stay home if they have live bugs and to work closely with the school nurse to make sure that treatment has been effective.

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