Head Lice Tips
Lighting the Way: Using Light to Detect Lice in Your Hair
Head lice can be difficult to treat for several reasons. One of the major challenges to successfully treating lice is that the bugs and nits are hard to find in the hair. That is where a bright lamp can help.
LiceDoctors is busy in the Boston area...busy helping families like yours conquer head lice. How many cases of head lice are found in the Boston area each year? That number is hard to come by but we do know that in almost every city in the US, the 18-22 year old cohort is very unlikely to present with lice. Not so in the Boston area. Why is that?
Do Head Lice Live In Hats?
We have all heard that if you share hats, you are at risk of contracting head lice. But is that the most likely way to get head lice? Is it even possible that you will get head lice from sharing hats or sports helmets?
Schools in Sandy, Utah in the Canyon School District adhere to recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) and do not have a “no nit” school” lice policy. Schools in the Jordan School District do not have a “no nit” school lice policy. However, students found with live bugs can return to school the following day after treatment.
How to Get Your Child Back to School After Head Lice
Each school district has its own set of rules regarding when it is allowed for a child with lice or nits to return. While more and more schools are dropping their strict “no nit” lice policies, it is important for you to learn what your school policy is.
Head Lice In The Trees? - NO!
There are many myths and legends surrounding head lice, but you may not have heard THIS interesting theory about a source of head lice. Here head lice professional Jacqué relates one lice myth she heard while vacationing in Louisiana.
Bensalem and Bristol School Head Lice Policies
Schools in Bensalem and Bristol still hold to “no nit” policies, meaning children will not be readmitted after a head lice outbreak if any nits are present.
Garden City and Franklin Square School Head Lice Policies
The Garden City School Board policy indicates that they do not hold to a strict no-nit policy, instead only they exclude children who are proven to be a risk for spreading head lice.
Westfield and Noblesville School Head Lice Policies
Schools in Westfield and Noblesville do not have “no nit” school” lice policies.
Mount Juliet and Lebanon School Head Lice Policies
Students in Wilson county must be LICE free before returning to school.