School Lice Policies Wichita Kansas
The Kansas Bureau of Epidemiology and Public Health Informatics recently changed its policy regarding admission to school; in accordance with recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is no longer mandatory for children to be "nit-free" in order to be admitted back into school.
Wichita Public School District
Per recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC, it is no longer mandatory for children to be "nit-free" in order to be allowed back into school in Wichita, Kansas. Children identified with live head lice must be treated and then will be permitted to return to class.
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Head lice (Pediculosis): Students infected with live lice shall be excluded from school until treatment with an antiparasitic drug is initiated.
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Newton Public Schools
Head lice: A student identified as having head lice will be sent home with instructions for treating the student and the environment. The student will be allowed to return to class upon inspection by the school nurse or a person designated by the nurse. For specific guidelines please refer to the Lice Treatment Procedure fact sheet.
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Andover Schools
Please report all communicable diseases, including cases of strep, pink eye, chicken pox, head lice and fifth’s disease to the office. If your child is absent from school due to a communicable disease, he/she may be required to have a doctor’s permit to return to class and/or be readmitted by the school nurse.
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Parents should check with their school nurse to be sure that you have the most up-to-date head lice policy for your school district. Contact us for additional information!