When can I go to the pharmacy and buy an over-the-counter treatment? Why pay for an in-home lice removal service? Those are questions that many people mull over when trying to decide their first line of fire when getting rid of head lice in-home on their own. Frankly, the majority of our clients have taken the pharmacy route and have found that the OTC products do NOT work. The reason for that is two-fold: the chemical treatments no longer are reliable in killing the bugs as the bugs have mutated and become resistant to the chemicals. The second factor is that the chemicals do not penetrate the shell of the nits so the nits are left on the head to hatch. Even if a person is successful at combing out most of the nits, usually he or she misses a few as these nits camouflage and are difficult to find. Families want the best head lice treatment, so many today are considering professional in-home lice removal.
Some Basic Lice Facts
Here are some facts: Nix (1% permethrin) has been found to be effective less than 70% of the time in eradicating LIVE bugs, which means that on average in about a third of cases lice are left in the hair. Prescription shampoos like Ivermectin and Malathion may have unpleasant side effects and also do not penetrate In these treatment options, the products do not claim to eradicate the nits. You are still left with the job of removing all of the nits. This is a very time-consuming and often futile exercise unless one is trained and very experienced on how to treat head lice at home. Often parents end up missing work, children miss school, lots of money is wasted on useless treatments and the frustration level in the house is at an all-time high. After these treatments fail, and money has already been spent, many families begin to seek out alternative treatment options, looking for the best products for head lice or in-home lice removal services.
Benefits of In-home Lice Treatment

We know there are many routes you can take to try to eliminate head lice. We are a lice removal company that has been treating head lice for 20 years providing in-home lice treatment services. Below are the reasons we believe that professional in-home head lice removal is your best option.
- In-home treatment works best for families with busy schedules — In today's world, multiple kids mean multiple schedules. In-home treatment allows each child to return to his or her routine after being treated rather than having to sit at a salon waiting for siblings.
- The in-home treatment eliminates the risk of picking up a case at a salon — The whole family should be checked. It's possible that one of the children will be lice-free and there is no need to expose the child to a facility that caters to people who are infested.
- In-home lice treatment is the most private option — While head lice are very prevalent, in fact, several million children will get them this year, there is still a bit of a stigma attached to it. That is very unfortunate, but, nonetheless true. Most people want their privacy when it comes to head lice.
- In-home treatment has lower overhead and therefore should have lower prices — Salons often charge by the head and treatment for a family of four can run as high as $800. LiceDoctors’ average charge for a family of four is under $400.
- In-home treatment allows you to get to work changing the sheets while your children are being treated — At LiceDoctors we say it is the head, not the house that needs treating because lice will die when off the head. Nonetheless, we know that many people prefer to change their sheets and you can get started while we are working on the heads.
- Let’s face it young children are more comfortable at home in their own environment.
Maybe It Is Time to call in a Lice Professional
Don’t put yourself in that position. Call in a lice professional service if you are dealing with a lice infestation at your home. Learn more about our lice treatment removal service or call us at 800-224-2537 or call your local number which is listed on our website. LiceDoctors will arrive at your convenience, take care of your problem efficiently and sensitively, and leave you with lice-free heads and the piece of mind that you deserve.