Talking about head lice can be a double-edged sword. Because of the potential negative stigma surrounding lice, people hesitate to share news of a lice infestation, which can cause lice outbreaks to occur or continue on longer than they should. The lice are passed along mysteriously, their origins unannounced, and their unwanted arrival unexpected. Stereotypes, assumptions, and a general sense of embarrassment keep mouths shut. But LiceDoctors will prove there’s no good reason why this stigma should exist.
A stigma is defined as “a mark of shame or discredit,” according to Merriam Webster. Head lice stigma is an unfair mark against a person who has contracted a case of lice. It happens because of untrue information surrounding lice that have been delivered as fact. For example, it is untrue, but many believe that lice are attracted to those with poor personal hygiene.

The best way to combat the stigma of head lice, driven by false information, is by educating yourself, and others, with facts. These facts will counter the false information that gives this negative stigma its steam, such as that lice are a plague of the dirty or that families are not trying to get rid of lice.
One of the strongest associations for lice is that of hygiene. Some people assume that only “dirty people” end up with a lice problem. The fact is, lice are transmitted by head-to-head contact, so anyone with hair is vulnerable. On the contrary, it’s easiest for lice to grip clean strands. If the hair is dirty, then the lice may slide off and not make it to the scalp. Other myths are that anyone who cannot get rid of head lice isn’t using the drug store lice shampoos properly or cleaning their homes sufficiently. We speak to parents every day who have battled lice in their family for long periods of time without success - washing, laundering, combing, treating - and they just cannot get it to go away. Getting rid of lice actually requires no cleaning, and it can be difficult to eradicate lice. Often, it is not a lack of lice treatment, rather use of an ineffective treatment that causes lice to persist.
Quashing stigmas based on falsehoods such as these can be difficult, but over time, as families become more educated and open about lice infestations, those around them will start to come to a better understanding. Over time, the stigma can be eliminated.
Proper treatment of lice requires effective treatment and patience. On the internet, you will find a plethora of remedies that families have found effective. A compilation of the best home remedies can be found on our website under “What is the Best Home Remedy for Lice?”. Of course, we recommend our method, which involves manual extraction of lice and their eggs and a comprehensive follow-up plan to ensure the life cycle is completely cut off.
By calling 800-224-2537 for a lice specialist, you will receive personalized lice treatment in the privacy and comfort of your own home. You do not have to be concerned about exposure to kids with lice. With LiceDoctors, you can say goodbye to head lice and, hopefully, one day soon, we can all say goodbye to head lice stigma. Contact us!