The National School Nurse Association has developed a comprehensive lice education for school nurses.
The National Association Of School Nurses (NASN) is actively involved in educating schools and school nurses about best policies for head lice management and treatment. The organization’s philosophy aligns with that of the American Association of Pediatrics.
“It is the position of the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) that the management of head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) in the school setting should not disrupt the educational process. Leadership provided by the registered professional school nurse (hereinafter referred to as the school nurse) can impact reduction of the stigma associated with head lice by providing accurate health education including anticipatory guidance to the school community and implementing evidence-based strategies for the management of head lice in schools. Evidence-based strategies include abandoning “no-nit” school policies, allowing children to remain in class and participate in school-sponsored activities when live lice or nits (the eggs of head lice) are found on their heads, notifying parents/caregivers at the end of the school day when findings indicate the presence of a head lice infestation, and educating parents/caregivers about evidence-based treatment options.”
The organization has a program called Lice Lessons that it developed to share with school nurses across the country. The program equips nurses with tools needed to educate parents and children about this common-place occurrence. The list below was updated in October 2017; it contains topics covered by Lice Lessons:
Head Lice 101 Presentation: An Overview for Parents, Teachers and Communities

A presentation to help educate parents, teachers and your community during the next school, PTA or PTO meeting.
Don’t Let Head Lice Keep You Up At Night!
A printable poster with guidance for parents.
Frequently Asked Questions About Head Lice
A 2-page resource with references.
Head Lice 101 (for School Nurses): An Overview for School Nurses
An up-to-date fact sheet reflecting the most current research on preventing, controlling and treating head lice.
Head Lice 101 (for Parents): What Every Parent Should Know About Head Lice
A quick, easy-to-read fact sheet to help dispel myths and prepare parents before they experience an infestation.
Facing Head Lice: A Guide For Families
A simple step-by-step guide for parents and caregivers, including information about treating and removing head lice from the home.”
For links to download all these resources, check out the NASN National Association of School Nurses Lice Lessons Page
It is important that school nurses be on the top of their game regarding head lice. It is the second leading cause of school absenteeism after the common cold. Many children have to deal with this nuisance. Education is required to help reduce the stigma so that parents can take the appropriate action to eradicate a case at the earliest possible time. Lice Lessons is an important part of the process.
LiceDoctors is the leading lice removal service in the Skokie and Wilmette area and has treated over 400,000 clients. Your technician is dedicated to making the process as easy and convenient for you by coming right to your home and employing a chemical free and effective treatment. LiceDoctors offer the maximum in convenience and expertise and our prices are the lowest in the area! Call today at 312-765-7266 . Service is available day and night, seven days a week.