Fairfield-Suisan Unified School District
Fairfield-Suisan schools have dropped their "no nit" school lice policy now allowing students with nits to re-enter school with the expectation that they are receiving treatment at home. "Head lice are small insects that live on people’s scalps. They cause itching and are fairly common in children. When a child has head lice, one can usually see small white nits on the scalp. Nits are the eggs produced by the lice...While head lice can be uncomfortable and downright annoying, newly updated guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics say: 'Head lice are not a health hazard or a sign of poor hygiene and are not responsible for the spread of any disease'. The new guidelines also reinforce previous recommendations to eliminate “no-nit” policies at schools, as they do not affect the spread of lice and can lead to children being sent home unnecessarily. The National Association of School Nurses has the same recommendation."
Benecia Public Schools

More information: jhe.beniciaunified.org This district has a "no live lice" policy in place but no longer has a "no nit" policy."Head Lice: The beginning of each school year is a good time to check your students head for signs of head lice. Pediculosis is a common childhood condition most commonly transmitted by head to head contact or close living conditions. Lice do not hop, jump or fly, but need close personal contact (head to head) or a vehicle such as combs, hats, pillows, jackets, towels, head rests etc. to infect another person. Lice transmission is not effected by personal hygiene. In the event your child develops a case of head lice, please notify the school office managers, teacher or school nurse. The school has policies in place to help educate parents as well as reduce potential infestations to other students. Please remember to update your student’s records whenever you change your cell, work or home phone numbers. Often the numbers listed at registration change during the school year yet school office staff does not receive the updates. Emergency contacts should be someone who is actually available to come and pick up your child and lives within reasonable driving distance. It is very difficult, stressful and time consuming for students and staff when parents/guardians can’t be reached."
Vacaville School District
More information: vusd-ca.schoolloop.com Children with live lice may stay in school until the end If the school day, they are then sent home to be treated. They will be allowed back in school the following day previewed that all live lice are gone.
- "The Governing Board recognizes that head lice infestations among students require treatment but do not pose a risk of transmitting disease. The Superintendent or designee shall encourage early detection and treatment in a manner that minimizes disruption to the educational program and reduces student absences
- The Superintendent or designee may distribute information to parents/guardians of preschool and elementary students regarding routine screening, symptoms, accurate diagnosis, and proper treatment of head lice infestations. The Superintendent or designee also may provide related information to school staff.
- School employees shall report all suspected cases of head lice to the school nurse or designee as soon as possible.
- If a student is found with active, adult head lice, he/she may be allowed to stay in school until the end of the school day. The parent/guardian of any such student shall be given information about the treatment of head lice and encouraged to begin treatment of the student immediately and to check all members of the family. The parent/guardian also shall be informed that the student shall be checked upon return to school the next day and allowed to remain in school if no active head lice are detected.
- Upon the student’s return to school, the school nurse or designee shall check the student for active head lice. If it is determined that the student remains infested with head lice, the school nurse or designee shall contact the student’s parent/guardian to discuss treatment. As needed, he/she may provide additional resources and/or referral to the local health department, health care providers, or other agencies.
- If a student is found consistently infested with head lice, he/she may be referred to a multidisciplinary team, which may consist of the school nurse, representatives from the local health department and social services, and other appropriate individuals, to determine the best approach for identifying and resolving problems contributing to the student’s head lice infestations."
If you are in Solano County and your child has head lice, call LiceDoctors today at 415-578-1245. We will come to your home and treat your family so that your child can return to school without worries of being denied admission due to an active case of lice.