Eureka! This single parent finally finds help on the Internet after trying to self-treat for a month.
As a single mother of three I have little spare time. I like to spend that time with my children, not dealing with head lice. My kindergartener brought lice home and we struggled for over a month. I tried cheap options first, naturally. Then I turned to the more expensive chemicals and even a trip to the clinic. I was spending all my spare time cleaning, bagging, throwing things away, and one night I was so frustrated that I burned a couch pillow. Not my finest moment.
That evening I again turned to the internet.

Instead of searching home remedies and cheap fixes, I searched for professionals. I’m a fairly controlling person and am very protective of my babies, so when I search things that have to do with the privacy of my home or the safety and health of my children, I am very picky. I searched “at home lice professionals” and on the first page, and in the top ten results, there was only one service listed that came to your home, treated AND eliminated the problem. I was very surprised that only one result actually fit my search. The others were informational, home remedies, and one salon that was “kid friendly”. My home is kid friendly, especially when my kids are nervous or sick.
Head lice makes you feel both nervous and sick. There is something invasive having bugs on your head and in your home. The stigma of it makes you feel dirty and embarrassed. The last thing I wanted to do as a mother was to march my children into a public salon and broadcast the notion that I don’t care for them properly. I know these are irrational thoughts, I know that head lice can be picked up anywhere, regardless of how many times you shower or vacuum. The old way of thinking is still embedded very deeply in our society and I couldn’t shake it.
I chose the only option on the first page of my google search that said, “in-home lice removal” and after short exploration I was dialing the number for LiceDoctors. After getting off the phone I was almost immediately relieved, my problem was going to be taken care of. The technician arrived that afternoon to my home in Thornton and started work on my children. She didn’t start removing lice right away, she began by making my kids comfortable and giving them information about what was going on and what was going to happen. She spoke in a way that made sense to them and she answered all their questions patiently. It was wonderful to watch.
Now we are all more aware of how common lice is and we tell anyone who asks all about our experience. LiceDoctors really made the difference and it was so nice, as a single mom, to let someone else take the reins. The cost was less than the total of all the things I had tried to do “cheaply”, and the results were exactly what I was looking for.