Memphis School Lice Policy The National Pediculosis Association (NPA) recommends a stringent “nit-free” policy for children returning to school after a lice infestation, according to its Web site, The association says that because head lice are becoming resistant to insecticide shampoos. It’s important to remove any remaining nits with a special fine-toothed comb before letting a child return to school.” The issue of head lice prevention is very divisive. Schools weigh the risks of increasing the spread of head lice without “no nit” policies against the risk of students missing too much school. For more specific information, call your local school to find out what your school head lice policy is in Tennessee.

Schools In Memphis Have a No Nit Policy
Consistent with the recommendations of the NPA schools head lice policy, schools in Memphis, Tennessee have a “no nit” policy and stipulate that “Students may not attend school with head lice. If we find a child with lice, the child will be sent home until the child has been treated … and there are no nits (eggs) in sight. When a case of head lice is reported all students in that child’s class will be checked for head lice. All students with head lice must go home. The office must check all students who have head lice before they are allowed to return to school. Parents please bring your child in to the office and make sure he/she is cleared before you leave. While lice are not life threatening, we must be aggressive in dealing with the problem.”
Shelby County Lice Policy
The county of Shelby, in which Memphis is locates stipulates further stipulates, that in “the case of pediculosis (head lice) a student may be readmitted for inspection following treatment. If proof of treatment is presented to the principal or designee and no nits are present, the student may return to class.”
Tipton County Lice Policy
In nearby Tipton County, Tennessee, schools also have a “no nit” requirement in order to be allowed to stay in or be admitted to school. The school district web site states, “After a total of five (5) excused absences due to head lice, a student will not be excused any more days due to this particular problem. An excuse for absence must be made in writing by the parent(s) or guardians(s) and should include the name of the student, the date(s) he/she was absent, the reason for the absence and parent’s or guardian signature. For a student to be excused by a parent/guardian note, the note must be turned in no later than two (2) days starting the day the student returns to school following his/her absence.” Regardless of whether the absence is excused or not, a child will be allowed in school with nits.
Desoto County Lice Policy
Desoto County, Mississippi, part of the metropolitan Memphis area also retains its “no nit” policy. The policy clearly outlines that, “if it is determined that a student has had head lice or nits, he/she must be picked up from school, treatment administered, and cleared through the office before being admitted to class. DeSoto County Schools has a “no nit” policy. Students must be nit free before they will be allowed to return to their classroom. (One day of excused absence, not including the day of check out, will be granted.”