Schools in Lincoln allow students to attend school if they have nits, and students with live lice may remain until the end of the school day. This is consistent with practices recommended by the CDC and the National Association of School Nurses.
1. A report of a child with live lice.
- The student will be checked.
- Check the room if indicated.
- Notify parent/guardian if indicated.
2. Recommendation for Screening
- Conduct the screening with discretion and privacy. When screening in the classroom, the health office staff may request that children with head lice or suspicious findings come to the health office at a later time for an unspecified reason to protect their privacy.
- Provide a good light source for the screening.
- Separate the hair in sections with a screening tool to expose the scalp in an orderly, thorough fashion. Avoid touching the hair and wash hands as needed or after handling lice. Discard the screening tool between each student.
- Lice and nits are most often visualized at the nape of the neck, behind the ears, and around the crown.
- Identify live lice by their movement; identify nits by their adherence to the hair shaft.Dandruff or lint may be easily dislodged from the hair shaft.
3. Parent/guardian of the student with live lice is to be contacted by the health office staff the day live lice are found.

Discuss with the parent/guardian that:
- Live lice were found.
- Student will go home at the end of the day.
- Parents/guardians will have the option to pick up the student earlier, if desired, to begin treatment.
- Immediate treatment is necessary.
- Follow product label directions on treatment bottle. Product may require a 2nd treatment.
- Children 3 and under may need physician authorization to treat.
- Combing out the live lice and the nits is essential to end the problem.
- Ongoing nit removal will be necessary after initial treatment.
- On return to school the student will report to the health office to be checked.
- Provide written information on lice management. Send information home with the student identified with live lice.
- Students will be re-checked in 7-10 days by Health Office staff. Encourage parent/guardian to recheck frequently for two weeks.
- Nurse will contact parent/guardian as needed after student returns to school.
4. If treatment is not successful:
- Call the parent/guardian to reinforce steps of treatment.
- Ask if the parent/guardian can come to school to discuss the steps of treatment privately.
- The student who was not successfully treated is to be sent home at the end of the school day
- Families who have been frustrated by treatment failure or re-infestations may need a great deal of positive reinforcement and encouragement to gain control over the condition and return their child to school successfully. Families can be referred to their medical provider for treatment recommendations if needed.
- After 3rd incidence of live lice the student may be excluded from school until lice free.
Source: LPS Health Services
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