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Hicksville and Jericho School Head Lice Policies

Hicksville and Jericho School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
October 21, 2019
Updated on 
July 17, 2020

While each school district determines its own head lice policy, schools in Hicksville and Jericho do not maintain “no nit” policies. This means that students who still have remnants of eggs in their hair may return to school.


This district does not have a “no nit” policy and allows students with lice eggs to remain in school.

“The Issues and the Evidence

Previously school policies and best practices have been based on misinformation, myths and stigmas regarding lice. In recent years research has been released from organizations such as Harvard School of Public Medicine, The American Academy of Pediatrics, The Center for Disease Control, and the National Association of School Nurses that address the issues of treatment of lice, school absences, and embarrassment and confidentiality issues that have in the past created undue anxiety on the part of parents and school staff. School nurses are available to provide accurate information and work with parents and school staff to minimize the uproar that can occur when a child is identified as having lice. Your school nurse can instruct you on how to check your child’s head and are available to answer any questions or give advice in the event that your child has lice.

If your child has lice there are many treatment options. You may wish to discuss your choices with your pediatrician. No treatment is 100% effective; however, using a pediculicide is generally more effective than home remedies. Removal of nits can be helpful in decreasing the risk of self-reinfestation (especially the nits close to the scalp), decreasing diagnostic confusion or the possibility of unnecessary re-treatment. No matter what treatment is used, rechecking the child’s head is a necessary step to decrease the possibility of reinfection. Basic vacuuming of your home and car seats and cleaning of your child’s linens and any objects that are in contact with their heads are recommended to avoid reinfection.

The scientific evidence has shown that head lice screening programs have not had a significant effect on the incidence of head lice in the school setting. It is important to remember that a child who is identified with lice has been infected for 3-4 weeks and poses very little risk of transmission to others. It is more important to maintain that child’s privacy and minimize the loss of classroom time than to exclude or separate that child. Research data does not support immediate exclusion upon identification as an effective means of controlling lice infestation.

Lice is not a public health issue – they do not carry disease nor have any negative implications about the child or family who has been infected. Removing the stigma and having an understanding of the issue, and passing this understanding to our children should be the first step in addressing lice. Below are several resources where you can get more accurate and scientific information:

identify.us.com – Identify US –formerly Harvard School of Public Health information on lice

http://www.cdc.gov– The Centers for Disease Control

http://www.aap.org– American Academy of Pediatrics

(Information in this article was obtained from the above website.”



Schools in Jericho do not enforce a strict “no nit” policy.


While a nuisance, head lice do not pose a public health risk. Consistent with accepted medical knowledge, no healthy child will be excluded from school due to an active case of head lice or the presence of nits (louse eggs). Children identified by the school nurse as having an active infestation of head lice will be sent home at the end of the day and their parents will be informed by the school nurse of their condition and advised to begin treatment.

The Superintendent shall develop regulations and procedures implementing this policy and shall ensure that those regulations or procedures are consistent with accepted medical knowledge and best nursing practice.”

Source: Jericho Schools Policy Manual

LiceDoctors is available day or night to come to your home and treat your children and leave the whole family free of lice and able to sleep peacefully and return to school and work with confidence. Call 516-324-2800 in the Hicksville and Jericho area today for head lice relief and peace of mind.


We provide a friendly in-home lice removal service

Book your appointment today


Westerville and Reynoldsburg School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
October 17, 2019
Updated on 
July 17, 2020

Westerville and Reynoldsburg School Head Lice Policies

Many schools in Ohio are coming into alignment with policies recommended by the CDC and the National Association of School Nurses and are abandoning “no nit” policies.

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West Valley City
Created on 
October 30, 2019
Updated on 
July 17, 2020

West Valley City

Schools in West Valley City do not have a “no nit” school lice policy. However, students found with live bugs will be removed discretely from the classroom and can return to school the following day after treatment.

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Provo School Head Lice Policy
Created on 
October 28, 2019
Updated on 
May 14, 2023

Provo School Head Lice Policy

Schools in Provo do not have a “no nit” school lice policy. If a student is found to be affected, parents are notified and the student may be checked out or remain in school at the parents’ discretion.

Read more