What Are Ukus?
Lice in Hawaii are referred to as ukus. Hawaii lice love the warm climate, in fact, head lice really thrive here. In the Honolulu area, children can play outside together all year long. As they run, jump, and climb, they come into close physical contact. While we love close contact, there is a negative side to it: head-to-head contact is how lice are transferred from person to person.
How You Can Get Ukus Lice?

Ukus lice also may be transmitted via an object like a brush, a cap, or a chair, but that is far less common. They do not like to go onto objects because there is no blood i.e. food for them. Ukus Hawaiian lice enjoy three meals a day by biting the head and withdrawing blood. They will wait until another human head is close by and then they make their move!
In addition, we know that when families are on vacation, they tend to be in close proximity to the hotel, plane, and/or car. As Hawaii is a vacation destination for families, unfortunately, families may unwittingly bring lice with them and then pass it around ultimately to non-families members. Putting a lice repellent on the hair like LiceDoctors Peppermint Repellent Spray or a drug store hair gel, mousse, or hair spray helps to protect the hair against an ukus bug, or louse invasion. This is not always the case, but these products make it more difficult for the lice to cling onto the hair.
LiceDoctors Can Help Treat Ukus Lice
Chemical pesticides are no longer particularly effective in killing lice or nits. Lice have morphed over time (Google "super lice") and are resistant to chemicals. Nits have a protective shell that renders them impervious to chemicals. If you find that your child has ukus in hair give LiceDoctors a call at 808-664-1237. Experienced lice professional will be at your home whenever you need us to get rid of ukus Hawaii style. Lice in Hawaiian hair are no match for LiceDoctors chemical-free lice protocols. LiceDoctors has successfully treated nearly 600,000 clients. We will successfully treat you too!