Getting lice can be unnerving but remember lice are a just a nuisance that can be eliminated. Lice tech, Dana, shares her story.
If you’re at all like me, you’ve had to deal with head lice since you were an active, social kid. For me, growing up in the south, it was not a matter of whether we’d get head lice, it was when. Today, lice are even more common-place. Don’t fret, my dear friend! It happens to the best of us – AND our kids, sadly… and their friends, and cousins, and classmates, and camp counselors, and, well, you get the idea.
Getting head lice is just a matter of time, particularly as the weather begins to warm up and our kiddos start hanging out more together in swimming pools and having sleepovers. Just recently, I have to admit, even my daughter had to cancel a sleepover at the last minute when I recognized those tiny, nasty lil’ buggers swarming through my sweet baby’s hair. Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before her sister had them, too.

Once I treated our family and myself (husband pitched in with my long hair) with our tried-and-true LiceDoctors method, including soaking all hair brushes in hot, soapy water overnight, we continued the steps in the follow-up protocol. I was confident, and more importantly so were the girls, that we could continue our activities as planned. The girls rescheduled their sleepovers with friends; we went on our weekend out-of-town trip and swam in the hotel pool – always a blast!; and we got to see the movie on our girls’ day that we’d looked forward to for weeks. No WAY were we going to let some nasty pests ruin our family fun! Here’s the key: once we de-liced the family using the safe and effective protocol that I use when treating clients, I knew we were no longer contagious so... no risk to others!

It’s just one more thing we have to deal with, we mommies and daddies. Take it in stride, and remember – head lice are actually more likely to turn up in clean hair, so don’t go beating yourself up. If you find yourself staring down your nose at a nasty louse making itself at home in your loved one’s hair, don’t let head lice alter your plans for fun with family and friends. Just take the bull by the horns and do what you gotta do to take care of those pests: give us a call at LiceDoctors and we will put the lice problem behind you. Call anytime, 7 days and nights a week, 415-578-1245.