Buffalo Grove and Northbrook schools follow the recommendations of the National Association of School Nurses and do not exclude children who exhibit no signs of live lice.
In the past, District 96 has followed a no-nit policy, but now doctors from the American Academy of Pediatrics (please read) no longer follow a no-nit policy, nor do they recommend sending a child home from school. When/if a student or adult reports a head condition/possible concern, the student is sent to the nurse. If a student is found to have live lice or nits while at school, the parent is notified by the nurse and evidence-based treatment options are discussed.”
Find more information on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.
Source: KCSD96 Educational Services
“Although the school nurses may assist parents by screening for head lice, it is especially difficult to detect head lice in the early stages. Therefore, it is very important that parents check their child now and periodically throughout the year. It is with parents’ help that we can best control the spread of head lice. We are providing the following information to help you in doing this.
Close head to head contact is the primary way head lice are spread. Lice do not hop or fly, they crawl. Lice are not a health hazard and are not responsible for the spread of any disease. They are not associated with poor hygiene or an unclean home. The most common symptom of head lice is an itchy scalp, especially behind the ears and at the nape of the neck, although not everyone feels itchy. To check for lice, part your child’s hair and look at the scalp for nits or eggs, small white or yellow brown specks that are firmly attached to the hair shafts. Adult lice are more difficult to spot because they are extremely small, about the size of a sesame seed, and will move quickly away when exposed to light.
Please let your school nurse know if nits or lice are found. Your school nurse can provide you with additional information about head lice. For treatment recommendations we recommend you contact your health care provider. Children should be reminded not to share personal items such as combs, brushes, and hats.”
Everyone hopes their child will come through elementary school unscathed by head lice, but if you don’t happen to dodge that bullet, call LiceDoctors right away so that you can quickly and effectively get rid of the head lice and get your child back to school right away. Call 312-765-7266 for same day treatment in the comfort of your home.