Effective March 18, 2014, Broward County schools updated their guidelines regarding school admission with head lice. The revised administrative guidelines stated that students with head lice would be allowed to attend school while undergoing treatment for the nits. Basically, Broward County dropped their "no nit" policy and allowed students with nits (lice eggs) to return to school. The county changed their rules to be in line with recommendations from the American Association of Pediatrics, The National Association of School Nurses, and the Centers for Disease Control who argue that children are missing too many days of school for what is a nuisance but not a health risk.

On April 10, 2014, in what may be an unprecedented move, Broward School District reversed that decision in response to a loud outcry from parents and teachers in the form of emails, calls, and letters. The net result is that students with head lice or nits will not be allowed in school, as the policy was before the change. LiceDoctors advises parents to be on the lookout for changes within schools regarding their head lice policies. We suggest that parents call their local school nurse to be sure that you are aware of your most up to date school head lice policy. Related Stories: Story: broward-schools-to-allow-students-with-head-lice-to-remain-in-class Story: broward-school-district-reverses-controversial-lice-decision