LiceDoctors Reports on School Head Lice Policies--Metro Boston, MA Because the Boston metro area has so many cities and towns, it is especially diverse. Not surprising, the school lice and nit policies are also diverse. Some districts have strict "no nit" policies, while other are more lenient. There is no one uniform school head lice policy for the state of Massachusetts. As The Medford Patch reports, Medford is one of the schools that continues to have a "no nit" policy. Parents in the town are mixed; some are not sure whether that is actually a deterrent to their children getting head lice. Others are pleased with the policy. Other school districts such as the Boston public schools have eliminated the "no nit" policy. Their policy is simply,"Children found to have nits are allowed to come to school, although children with adult lice should receive treatment before they return to school." Make Sure You Know Your Schools Head Lice Policy
Newton's policy is a little more vague: "Re-entry to school will be allowed once student is inspected by school health staff." Generally children will be allowed back in school even if they have nits, however the nurse will continue to check and if the case is not eradicated the school reserves the right to send the child home i.e."A no nit policy may be instituted by the school nurse in the case of a persistent infestation or evidence of lack of compliance to this policy. The school nurse will consult with the building principal and nursing supervisor before excluding the student from school."

In Natick, the school nurse decides whether the student may remain at school or be sent home if nits are found. After the child is treated, the return policy is: "The student has to be checked by the nurse prior to returning to school. A student will be accompanied by his/her parent until this exam is completed. If nits are found after treatment, the student may attend class at the nurse’s discretion."
Your Responsibility to Know Boston School Lice Policy
The bottom line here is that it is your responsibility to learn what your school's policy is. The neighboring town may have a "no nit" policy while your school district is more lenient. Learn your rights so that if your child contracts a case of head lice, you know what to expect from the school. To be sure that you fully eradicate head lice from your child's head, call us at LiceDoctors in the Boston area at 617-5174197. An experienced lice technician will come to your home and we guarantee that your lice removal service will free your child of head lice and nits so that he or she can return to school. [button link="/massachusetts/boston-lice-treatment-service.html" color="slate_grey" target="_self" size="large" icon_before="bug"]Learn About Our Lice Treatment Service in Boston