Schools in Bellflower and Lakewood restrict children with live lice from attending school.
Head Lice:
Head lice are a serious concern in an elementary school. If a student is found to have head lice, he/she will be sent home immediately. The school will provide you with information on proper treatment and shampoo (for those with financial needs). Please follow the directions carefully as students are only allowed 3 days of excused absence for head lice. Students must be re-examined and checked back into school through the health office.
Source: Bellflower Elementary Handbook
Anyone can get head lice. Head lice are passed from person to person by direct contact or shared objects (combs, towels, hats, headphones, etc.) It has nothing to do with cleanliness and does not reflect poorly on you as a parent. The problem is easily managed. Just follow the instructions below.
- Check every member of the family
Look for tiny white nits (eggs) on hair shafts, near the scalp, especially at the nape of the neck and behind the ears. Head lice are small grayish-white insects without wings that do not jump or fly. Every person living in the home with head lice or nits (eggs) must be treated. - 2. Use an effective head lice treatment.
Several products are available without a prescription (RID, NIX, A-200 PYRINATE, Cuprex, Triple-X, etc) or check with your doctor who may prescribe a special medicated liquid called Kwell. If used as directed, the above-mentioned products will be very effective in killing head lice. FOR CHILDREN UNDER 2 YEARS OF AGE, ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT. - 3. Remove all nits.
Gently comb the child’s hair with a special fine tooth nit removal comb(metal fine tooth combs can be purchased from a beauty supply store). Because no shampoo product kills all the nits(eggs), it is very important to remove all traces of the nits to prevent reinfestation. You may have to use your fingers to remove all the nits. ALL LICE MUST BE REMOVED FROM YOUR CHILD’S HAIR BEFORE HE/SHE MAY RETURN TO SCHOOL.
Source: Freemont Elementary Homepage Locker
Call LiceDoctors at 310-923-9787 in Bellflower and Lakewood. Our technician will rid your child of lice using an all-natural treatment and your child will to return to school the following day. We guarantee it!