Lice treatment services are charged either per person or by the hour. Hourly pricing is usually the less expensive route to take. LiceDoctors charges by the hour and our prices to check and treat the family are among the lowest in the industry. Our average cost to treat a family of 4 is ~$450-480, but costs can be as low as $199 for smaller families or early infestations. For many Lice Salons the cost to treat a family of 4 would be ~$800-1000. Our hourly pricing ensures that your whole family is checked and treated at a more affordable price to ensure reinfestation does not occur.
When considering a lice treatment, if a company quotes a lower hourly rate, find out how long it takes to check a person’s head; less experienced service providers may take several hours per head. Also consider the importance of making sure everyone is checked and treated so that the lice infestation does not reoccur. In addition, make sure there are no hidden costs including mandatory follow-up visits, requirements to purchase products, extra fees for longer hair, extra fees for more severe infestations, etc. LiceDoctors offers the option to purchase a professional grade lice comb and lice prevention products but they are not required. Also our treatment comes with a 30 day guarantee.
Below is a breakdown of LiceDoctors' pricing v. typical competitors. This price is based on treatment of thousands of families across the nation. Keep in mind this is an average. For some families the price will be higher and for some the price will be lower. Factors determining the total price of treatment are 1) how advanced the infestation is 2) how many family members are infested 3) the length and type of hair treated.